> RECIPES TOLD Dishes Vegetables & Salads

The roots and fasioi of Jija

Written by CinziaTosini

The recipe : “The Roots and the Fasioi”

Apro le finestre e il mio sguardo si perde… ricordi di campagna, laughter of children, scent of hay, of bare feet on the grass, di vendemmie festanti e di sonni tranquilli.

Solo chi ha avuto un’infanzia passata così, mi può capire. Can understand the desire to get back with the mind to remember, because the Earth called, riportando ad essi.


Every year, exactly 29 June – ricorrenza di Santi Pietro e Paolo – venivo accompagnata da mia nonna Jija in campagna, nella piccola Lorenzaga di Motta di Livenza a Treviso. Finite schools, finished college, finiti i ritmi severi della vita cittadina, finalmente arrivava la fatidica data. And three hundred miles away ... and everything changed. No more buildings but fields of vineyards, corn on the cob, geese, hens… party! When I first arrived I was wandering alone barefoot on the grass, as in exploration, how to regain possession of my nature, of my size ...

And now I'm here, ancora una volta, after so many years, because Earth calls, and do not you forget it ... And 'one in the morning.


Looking out the window I contemplate the landscape. In the company of the song of cicadas and the rustling of the trees the mind travels ...

Ricordo mia nonna Jija, una donna contadina conosciuta da tutti per la tenacia e per la determinazione. Ricordo le mattine, quando mi svegliavo all’alba. Col canto del gallo tutto riprendeva il normale ciclo naturale.

I looked in the milking, in the preparation of butter, while with the scythe cutting the grass ... Life in the countryside is of great teaching, the moments we spent so great intensity.

Do not forget the flavors, they used to be ... The fresh milk, bread with fresh butter, e… i radici e fasioi! A bean puree which is flavored fresh radicchio. I assure you, una vera prelibatezza!

Mia nonna durante l’estate preparava spesso questo piatto, one of my favorites. Today I want to remember so.

Roots and fasioi


  • In a pan, put the beans (fasioi) previously soaked for twelve hours approximately.
  • Combine the chopped onion, two potatoes into pieces, a stalk of celery diced, two bones of pork, of ground cinnamon, sale e pepe just as.
  • Cook slowly until the beans are soft. Then, remove the bones and pass everything until you get a thick, homogeneous.
  • Meanwhile, sauté small pieces of bacon, that a low heat release their natural fat to use as a first dressing of radicchio.
  • Serve the radicchio (roots in dialect), with bean sauce that will be sprinkled on as a finishing touch.

About this recipe, è usanza locale dire mentre la si mangia: “Magnar e morir”



What does the Author


I think we can save the Earth, if we can save her.

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