Digital communication and language. We start from the ABC… ?

Written by CinziaTosini

L’importanza dell’educazione digitale.

Recently, durante i miei percorsi alla scoperta di sapori e di territori, ho avuto il piacere di conoscere Maria Grazia Rosati, Social Media Specialist, and Marco Colombo, CEO & ecommerce manager. Both the team KailashWeb, web marketing agency (THIS e SEM) Lecco, that deals with the design and implementation of websites and e-commerce, content management platforms, social media marketing, web graphics and hardcopy. All clear? I really do not think so, per lo meno a i non addetti.Mery Greiss

If we want to talk, but above all to understand the importance of digital communication for the promotion of resources, maybe it's time to leave the ABC, e rendere un pochino più chiara e comprensibile a tutti, often too technical terminology that is used by professionals.

The advent of the Internet has made it faster. For many it is not easy to keep up. The digital education and training, for this, They are of paramount importance. Forse anche un po’ più di semplicità servirebbe ad amplificare questo strumento, a chi non ne comprende pienamente il linguaggio.

Well, we want to do some 'clarity? I would say yes. Maria Grazia, Framework… now it's up to you to answer my questions.

  • First things first. Siete un’agenzia di “web marketing (THIS e SEM)”. Vogliamo tradurre in parole semplici questa definizione spiegando in che cosa consiste e qual è l’utilità?

FrameworkDigital technology has become an integral part of our lives. Basti pensare che oltre il 75% of Europeans have access to internet. People spend more and more hours online: for business or pleasure; watch video, read newspapers, do research, socialize and share content on social. Smartphones have given a significant boost in this direction. For a company, tutte queste persone e tutte queste attività svolte online, rappresentano un potenziale interessante.

How can a company take advantage of opportunities offered by the web? And 'here that "we enter into play". Le agenzie di web marketing aiutano le imprese, from small craftsmen to multinational, ad essere presenti online e a promuovere la propria attività, anche attraverso i motori di ricerca. I motori di ricerca sono un fantastico strumento di marketing che aiutano chi effettua una ricerca a trovare precisamente ciò che desidera. There are two main ways to appear in search results:

– The first way is the SEO (Search Engine Optimizzation), or optimization for search engines which helps to promote their business in the organic search results (no fee).

-The second way is the SEM (search engine marketing) that allows you to buy ad space on search results. Then, be present in the results of the search engines means to reach the right users who are looking for products and services you offer.

  • Made "websites and e-commerce". What is the difference?

FrameworkA website is a space on the web that allows anyone (company, private, institution etc.) to publish content that can be, ad esempio, texts, photos and videos. We can divide the websites according to their function: to meet people such as Community and Social Network, disseminate information and news as sites of newspapers or, as in the case of corporate sites, inform and promote products and services.

The electronic Commerce (e-commerce) is a website that is designed to sell products and services. It 'a virtual shop for all purposes where customers can buy online the things that interest them using a PC, a smartphone or a tablet and a connection. Le vendite online sono in costante crescita, al punto che ogni azienda dovrebbe prendere in considerazione l’opportunità di vendere i propri prodotti e servizi nel web.

  • Do you also platforms of "content management". You take a practical example to understand the content?

Framework I Content Management System (CMS) are platforms that allow you to manage the content of websites without having to have any programming skills. The websites are created using programming languages (html, php, JavaScript to name a few), so in order to publish the updates have to know how to program in such languages.

Mettiamo il caso in cui un responsabile marketing voglia comunicare, through its Internet website, che la sua azienda sarà presente ad una fiera. Must write the news, maybe relate it to a photo or logo of the fair and send it to the programmer for publication. Spesso i programmatori sono esterni all’azienda, per cui potrebbe trascorrere del tempo prima che si pubblichi la notizia. Se poi vuole aggiungere o modificare quello appena pubblicato, dovrà sempre “passare” dal programmatore con tempi che si allungano e costi che aumentano.

Se si ha a disposizione un CMS che permette di gestire tutti i contenuti del proprio sito internet, si può scrivere la notizia in maniera facile, veloce e in completa autonomia. Pubblicarla oppure modificarla. For which a CMS is important as it:

> Being self-employed in 'update the contents of its website
> Not having to possess technical skills of programming, so anyone can update content
> Immediacy of actions not having to depend on programmers.
> Lower costs

  • Social media strategy e social media marketing. Two paths and a single goal. Share?

MerySocial media are now part of our daily lives. If you have a business, Social media is a great opportunity because they allow people to get in touch, interact, condividere e scambiare informazioni. Questi canali possono quindi essere uno strumento utilissimo per il business, poiché rappresentano una piattaforma che ti permette di parlare direttamente ai tuoi clienti e a quelli potenziali, be involved in conversations, build a relationship of trust, reach more people, and above all a better understanding of your customers.

Based on my experience, every campaign social media marketing provides a different strategy based on the needs of the sector. The strategies are needed in each case and there are no standards. You can not think of being on social media without having set an appropriate strategy. To do that we must analyze the customer, the sector in which it operates, its competitors, his goal and his Target.

As for the finish line, as I mentioned before, bisogna definire un target e un obiettivo, and for this, before you decide to be present on social media, bisogna capire dove si vuole arrivare e a chi rivolgersi. For example, una strategia Social per un Agriturismo deve essere molto visual, quindi mi concentrerei su Instagram, Pinterest e Facebook. While a professional would use Linkedin, Twitter e Facebook.

Riprendo la parola oltre che per ringraziare Marco e Maria Grazia, dai più conosciuta come Mery Greiss, per sottolineare ciò che ripeto spesso: la semplicità apre molte porte, anche quella della conoscenza.



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