Did you know that laughter ...

The first time I went over to rice was on the occasion of visit made to the Estate Colombara, headquarters of rice production jeweled Watercolor. I was reported by a friend for its particular rice which is replenished its bud, rich in vitamins and valuable nutrients usually discarded.

From there, who is playing the best of my knowledge. As I often say visit the farms is great experience that makes us more aware in the selection of foods to choose for our feed.

That said, did you know that…

  • Italy is the first country in Europe for the production of rice. Despite this, the average per capita annual consumption is approximately five kilograms of rice per head. For many, the rice should be consumed especially when you are ill. It is not so!
  • Do you think the world will eat 'second person' because it is a cereal rich in carbohydrates, Mineral sali, vitamine e Protein vegetali. It provides the same calories of pasta but it is much more digestible. It has very little fat: ‘100 grammi forniscono 350 chilocalorie’.
  • The uncooked rice should never be washed, do not miss this part of the minerals and vitamins. Besides, the water penetrates into the grain would encourage the disintegration during cooking.
  • The best way to consume rice without losing its properties is steaming. The rice during cooking in water loses some of the vitamins B1 and PP, unlike the brown rice that, thanks to the cuticle, retains more vitamins of the B group.
  • Si può combattere la cellulite anche col riso integrale. Why? Simple, because it contains few proteins, little miss, little sugar and has a diuretic. So much energy keeping in line!
  • Italy is the largest producer of rice in the Community; the 90% is produced between Piedmont and Lombardy. Do you think that to produce one kilogram of rice are needed by 3.000 to 10.000 liters of water! In Italy it is classified into four groups: common or original, vegetables, fine and superfine.
  • The merit of the development of rice production in the Lombardy region is also of Leonardo Da Vinci, towards the end of 400, fu incaricato da Ludovico il Moro di disegnare i nuovi canali e i congegni idraulici per il progetto di riordino delle acque della Lomellina. Funzionanti a tutt’oggi hanno dato nuovo impulso alla risicoltura e alla agricoltura della pianura padana.
  • In the world there are more than 120.000 rice varieties conserved in genebanks. In Italy it is the best-stocked in Castello d'Agogna in Pavese, the Search Center Ente Risi.

Personally, I love risotto with mushrooms ..., with zucca, with Treviso, with gorgonzola, even with nettles and strawberries! Forse sarà per questa sua versatilità che potrei mangiarlo sia per pranzo che per cena! 😉

Finally Confucius said: "If you see a hungry do not give him rice, but teach him to cultivate "

Source: Ente Nazionale Risi - Paul Viana journalist specializing in the food industry

Did you know that pumpkin ...

I told you never valances that are also sources of…? Li pumpkin is a real tradition. I often recall with nostalgia for my grandmother when I was preparing Gisella pumpkin tortelli with amaretti biscuits and spicy mustard, unforgettable flavors and unique ... you, so so good, I have not tasted more!

Zucch and melon à her that season!

(Pumpkin and melon should be eaten in its season)

Proverb Milan

The pumpkin is a vegetable originated in Central America is rich in vitamin A, minerals, fiber and low in calories.

Its pulp is chopped useful as soothing to the skin inflammation, while its extract is indicated for gastric disorders.

In the kitchen is housed in multiple uses: from first courses to the contours, until you get to the sweet.

In addition to recommending the consumption of pumpkin for high digestibility, we recommend the use of its seeds to the good supply of iron, magnesium and zinc… a great energy snack to munch on! 🙂

About, when you hear terms like: ‘che blockhead who are!’ oppure ‘hai la testa leak!’ or even 'mects some’ di sale in zucca!’ it is only because the word pumpkin comes from the Latin 'cocutia’ which means head. 😉

Did you know that olive leaf ...

Did you know that olive leaves are used for the treatment of hypertension due to their vasodilatory… There are some studies, it is true, but it is also true that once dried, for rural tradition are used to stabilize the states of hypertension.

In confirmation of what has been written above, have no weight only folk traditions.

You should know that I have contacted many people before writing what you're reading. Most did not know what to say, they simply ask me to keep them updated from any answers to my research. In fact I have not discovered anything new, l’unica cosa certa è che l’Italia ha più di 530 types of cultivars, resulting in a natural vocation, for a plant such as olive, known for its properties and its therapeutic use since the antiquity by all peoples of the Mediterranean basin.

In this regard, I have to thank for the support Dr. Fausto Mearelli, Lama San Giustino in the province of Perugia. The reading of the texts that you sent me is helpful to better understand the issue.

It was the Dr. Mazet, a doctor in Nice, who began experimenting with olive leaves in 1938, using them after they have been tested with success for the treatment of 38 its hypertensive patients. He was given a decoction their, obtained by boiling 20 Article. olive leaf in 300 cc. d’acqua, ridotto fino al volume di 200 cc.  His 38 patients, 30 stabilized resulting in a net improvement in positive, on previous blood pressure. These experiences were later also established by the researches of Italian Dr. Di Nunno.

That said ... why not try to treat hypertension even with the decoction of olive leaves!  O siamo forse troppo pigri da preferire una pillola a un infuso?! Some, sometimes it is necessary, but ... it costs us groped?!

At the end of today I have only told a story ... a story of natural therapies that we can do only good for your health!

A 'walk of the old manor that clutter ivy and bramble,

where he lives in a brown hawk ... 'standing hatred that, at last,

only with its ruins, we plant the olive tree!

 Giovani Pascoli da “Canzone dell’ulivo”


Sources:  “L'Olivo as herbal plant

             Prof.. Andrea Fabbri of the Faculty of Agriculture – Università di Parma

             Dr. Maurizio Pedrazzini Herbalist – Parma

It 's time for truffles. Did you know that ...

Therefore, Let me explain. A few nights ago I attended an evening in which the protagonist was a truffle, and truffle… the “tartufo bianco d’Alba”! 

Alberto Cirio, Councillor for Tourism and Tartuficoltura Piedmont Region, presented by Charles Vischi, organizer of the evening, has described the peculiarities and it told the story.

Truffles are not cultivable, are hypogeous fungi 'spontaneous' who commit their entire life cycle underground. They grow in very specific areas and under specific environmental conditions, living in symbiosis with the roots of some plants. Their birth is still shrouded in mystery. Pliny tells us that a bolt of Zeus, railing on earth, fertilized the point from which it originated.  Whatever the case, io continuo ad amarne i profumi e i delicati sapori che trasformano un semplice piatto in una prelibatezza degna degli dei… 😉 

The location of the event was that of 'Hotel Sheraton Milan Malpensa, while preparing the menu was coordinated by Enrico Fiorentini, chef executive del The Cannetto, in collaboration with colleagues Walter Ferretto of New farmhouse of Isola d'Asti, and Bruno Cingolani of The Castle Stables Govone. 

Before, after visiting the annual International Fair of the White Truffle, hor had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of this fungus prized. From 12 October will begin a new edition, ben he 83esima che, with a rich array of events, I will celebrate the customs and traditions.

Having said, because you never stop learning, oggi vi parlerò di tartufi! 

Did you know that…

  • There are many species, but the white truffle of Alba white, the Tuber powerful Pico, is the most valuable and larger. Do you think its value is around 250-300 the euro etto. Piedmont is the region in which it is no longer present, but can also be found in Lombardy, Pavese hills dell'Oltrepò, in Mantua, and albeit rarely, nell’Italia centrale. 
  • The truffle contains about 80% water. It is rich in potassium, soccer, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc and copper. Anyway, its value does not impact significantly on the contribution food. For fans is pure pleasure tasting. 
  • At one time the white Alba truffle is retained in rice, now, for its conservation, is recommended to keep it wrapped in absorbent paper and in cool environment with temperature dai 3 to 6 degrees. A product warranty is sold in a numbered bag due to the origin of origin.
  • In October 1990 was founded in Alba 'sNational Association of the city of truffles for the promotion and dissemination of the culture of this prized mushroom appreciated around the world. The quality is determined by expert judgment, men and women, specially trained. 
  • To assess the quality of a truffle must be based on 'view, touch and smell '. A nose should be clean so that the gravel does not cover defects. At the touch must be compact but with a slight note of elasticity, while the nose the smell is perceptible only in the time of ripening. Its aromas are reminiscent of the garlic, mushroom and damp earth. 
  • For the truffle hunter, in Piedmont is called with the dialect term trifolau o trifulé, good agreement with the trained dog digger is essential. The search of the precious fungus occurs from September to January, and preferably at night, this not to arouse too much attention while keeping secret the routes followed. From this it is easy to deduce that local knowledge is essential to the success of the mission. Italian legislation provides that the collection is free, whether it takes place in the woods than in the uncultivated land.

In addition to this valuable quality, there are many others with a more affordable price. Without removing the undisputed crown with white truffle, cyto eg prized truffles blacks, available until March, or between April and May the whitebait, or July the scorzoni. 

The white truffle cleans well, but does not peel. Unlike the black, should not be cooked. It is used as a condiment, cutting it into thin slices of lightly seasoned dishes. Come me, love the simple dishes and not too elaborate. Maybe that's why during the evening I especially enjoyed the risotto and eggs.

That is a bit too 'trifulé ?! 😉


Source: “Discovering the truffle” – Slow Food Editore


L’Ayurveda, to rediscover the ancient natural medicine


Risponde il Dott. Marco Bartoli, surgeon specialized in homeopathy, professor of traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic.

Ho conosciuto Marco ascoltandolo in una conferenza che ha tenuto a Milano sul tema della medicina ayurvedica, la medicina tradizionale indiana.

E’ risaputo da chi mi conosce che non amo i farmaci, li uso solo quando è strettamente necessario. In Italia purtroppo a causa di una spinta mediatica deviante, se ne abusa. Le code che vedo sovente in farmacia le vorrei vedere nei campi, dove erbe medicinali dai rimedi antichi possono molto. Ovviamente a ciascuno il suo mestiere, non tutti hanno la conoscenza di questo settore. Diventiamo meno pigri, e avviciniamoci ai sistemi naturali anche solo entrando più in erboristeria.

For some, con la vita frenetica che conduciamo è più semplice inghiottire una pillola che ponga rimedio ai nostri mali, senza però renderci conto che, con l’andar del tempo, finiremo per intossicarci. Uno stile di vita e un’alimentazione corretta possono molto più di tante medicine…

  • Ciao Marco, durante la tua conferenza hai citato il motto dell’ayurveda: "Knowledge is structured in consciousness." Do you want to elaborate on this concept by explaining to people new to this ancient form of medicine?

Hello Cynthia, l’ayurveda fece la sua comparsa nel mondo quando alcuni grandi saggi si riunirono e dissero: “La salute è il supremo fondamento della virtù, della prosperità, del piacere e della salvezza, mentre le malattie rovinano la salute, il bello della vita e la vita stessa.

Da allora alcuni particolari esseri umani hanno avuto il compito di preservare e trasmettere questa saggezza. Gli straordinari saggi dell’Ayurveda avevano raggiunto un tale livello di coscienza di sé, by entering into communion with the forces that govern the universe. Ecco spiegata la frase che ho pronunciato nella conferenza. “La conoscenza è strutturata nella coscienza“.

Anno dopo anno esperimenti scientifici sempre più rigorosi non fanno altro che confermare l’esattezza dei principi curativi stabiliti da alcuni mistici millenni e millenni orsono.

  • E’ importante evitare l’inquinamento dell’organismo in tutte le sue forme. Ma com’è possibile farlo per chi vive in città?

Evitare l’inquinamento delle nostre città non è possibile. Sul lungo periodo si potrebbe pensare di progettare le città con criteri più ecologici ed ecosostenibili, ma cosa fare nell’immediato per chi vive immerso tra fumi, rumori, veleni, smog e inquinamento alimentare ed elettromagnetico?

It’ essenziale capire l’importanza di depurare profondamente l’organismo. Con i farmaci chimici non possiamo depurare nulla, rather… aggiungiamo solo un ulteriore forma di tossicità. I farmaci a volte sono efficaci, addirittura salvavita; spesso però assistiamo a forme di abuso.

Ecco l’esigenza di ricorrere alle medicine denominate olistiche o naturali. Con queste terapie possiamo eliminare molti fattori pericolosamente tossici, che sono il fondamento delle malattie e che letteralmente ci rubano anni o decenni di vita. Tra queste terapie annoveriamo la medicina ayurvedica, la fitoterapia, la medicina tradizionale cinese, la medicina omeopatica. Io come medico pratico a tempo pieno da più di venti anni queste discipline, e posso assicurarvi che sono efficaci, affidabili e prive di effetti collaterali. Naturalmente devono essere esercitate da un medico esperto e competente. Negli anni il numero dei pazienti che si curano con queste medicine in Italia è arrivato a superare di gran lunga i dieci milioni di unità. Nel frattempo si sono moltiplicati studi scientifici seri e rigorosi, che provano l’efficacia di queste terapie.

Personally, quando faccio lezione ai medici, presento molti miei casi clinici risolti che in precedenza non avevano ottenuto benefici con i comuni presidi farmacologici. Sono quei casi difficili che noi medici chiamiamo “Not responders. "I present clinical analysis, prima e dopo la cura, e testimonianze scritte dei pazienti che confermano l’efficacia dei trattamenti.

  • Ora cito una parola che potrei chiamare anche parolaccia: OGM. Lascio continuare a te…

Guarda la mia è un’opinione strettamente personale su un tema che è già molto dibattuto. Molti scienziati si schierano a favore, altri sono contro. Personalmente penso che gli O.G.M. siano veramente pericolosi, ed ho paura di ciò che sta accadendo! We do not know really nothing of the consequences that such genetic manipulation, che poi diventano il nostro cibo di tutti i giorni, possano avere a breve-medio-lungo periodo sulle nostre strutture cellulari.

Mi sembra un delirio alla Frankstein, inserire D.N.A di scorpione in una mela… mi sembra un voler violentare la natura con la scusa di voler migliorare la qualità del cibo. Puntiamo piuttosto su un cibo veramente biologico se davvero vogliamo fare un discorso di qualità! Non facciamoci ingannare! I wonder ... and this is a terrible question: il vero motivo che spinge certa pseudo-scienza può essere l’interesse di multinazionali ad espandere vendite ed affari? Non so…

Io onestamente sono per il cibo tradizionale, genuino, come natura crea da millenni. Also because, Darwin lo insegna, e molti altri dopo lui lo ribadiscono… La natura fa le sue prove per migliorare in ogni generazione la sua progenie. There are biological-chemical-genetic mechanisms that drive perfect and prodigious each plant species to adapt to changed climates, terreni diversi, ecosistemi in perenne divenire.

Come avrebbero potuto sopravvivere per millenni i nostri alberi di pere, mele o qualsivoglia frutto se non ci fosse un’intelligenza sacra e mirabile che in ogni istante è all’opera? Nella bibbia c’è scritto: “piante, flowers, frutti siano il vostro cibo e la vostra medicina…” un concetto semplice, chiaro e inattaccabile!

  • Il medico cura anche ascoltando il paziente. But how do?

Saper ascoltare il paziente è fondamentale. Saper poi valorizzare ciò che dice ai fini di una terapia veramente personalizzata è ancora più importante. Let me give an example: cento casi di bambini colpiti dallo stesso batterio (per es. streptococco) per noi medici olistici significa spesso prescrivere cento ricette diverse l’una dall’altra!

Ognuna delle terapie naturali che ho citato prima analizza con diverse teorie costituzionali il “terreno energetico di base” del paziente. Ciò orienta il medico nella scelta tra migliaia di diversi rimedi naturali siano essi vegetali, minerali o sostanze di tipo animale. Spesso ai fini della diagnosi differenziale il medico di medicina naturale considera i tratti caratteriali e psicologici.

Se devo scegliere tra duecento piante che curano l’osteoporosi devo sapere che non tutte sono adatte al tipo collerico. E’ qualcosa di importante che devo considerare. Se sto tentando di curare due casi di steatosi epatica, non farò la stessa prescrizione nel caso di un paziente freddoloso e magro rispetto ad uno caloroso e grasso.

Quindi devo visitare, guardare, interrogare, ascoltare… e tirare le somme di tutto per una terapia specifica… solo per quella persona! E devo considerare persino la stagione in cui la terapia è somministrata… perché vi sono energie diverse che s’interfacciano.

  • Parliamo di alimentazione. Puoi darci qualche consiglio semplici e attuabile per migliorare la nostra vita?

Il consiglio migliore a livello alimentare sarebbe quello di seguire integralmente i dettami della medicina ayurvedica. Ciò significa alimentarsi in base al proprio Dosha. Per Dosha intendiamo lo squilibrio energetico di base che determina la nostra appartenenza a una delle tre costituzioni di base (Vata-Pitta-Kapha). Semplificando molto potremmo dire che esistono individui nei quali esiste un eccesso dell’energia fuoco, in altri prevale acqua o terra o aria etc.

Nella mia alimentazione devo tenere conto di questo ed invece nella medicina ufficiale ciò è completamente ignorato. Ci si basa su calorie, giusto assemblaggio di protidi-glicidi-lipidi-fibre e sali minerali… e tutto finisce lì. Invece c’è molto altro! La medicina ayurveda per millenni ha studiato le caratteristiche energetiche del cibo. Esistono cioè cibi di natura fuoco altri di natura prevalente acqua o terra… ed altri misti. Il cibo diventa una vera terapia laddove riesce a riequilibrare un eccesso energetico che alla lunga genera accumulo di tossine, e successivamente patologia. Abbiamo utilizzato concetti simili a questi provenienti dalla medicina cinese e abbiamo ottenuto ottimi risultati nel campo dietologico.

Gli studi dell’Istituto Paracelso di Roma, di cui faccio parte, sono esemplari e pionieristici in tal senso. I risultati sbalorditivi dal punto di vista scientifico sono stati oggetto di numerosi congressi medici nazionali ed internazionali come quello di Strasburgo nel 2009. Anzi approfitto della tua intervista (e ti ringrazio Cinzia per l’opportunità) per dare la mia mail a tutti coloro (colleghi medici in primis) fossero interessati a studiare l’alimentazione sotto un profilo completamente nuovo o condividere esperienze e studi inerenti alle terapie olistiche: posso su questo tema fornire molti materiali scientifici interessanti, in anteprima europea.

dott.bartolimarco @ gmail.com

But homo sapiens sapiens is a herbivore or a carnivore? Now I look at the teeth!

Therefore, the horse, the Pecora, the cows are herbivores, and so far we. The tiger and the lion are carnivorous instead, and I would say that we are also here.

Mother Nature has provided to both teeth and intestine respectively suitable feed for the first and second.

That said I doubt there is a: "Ma l'homo sapiens sapiens, that then-sapiens- it's all what you mean by combining, is a herbivore or a carnivore?”

Oh my goodness what a mess, Cynthia stopped or I'll hand a blood clot!

I would say that the only at this point is guardagli teeth! – The teeth tell?! But you say Cynthia, an embolus I know that you really party! – But no, and it is proved by involving the expert.

I present Dr. Marco Bartoli, surgeon specialized in homeopathy, professor of traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic.


  • Ciao Marco, I make it clear ideas…

Hello Cynthia, certain that you! Now I'll explain ...

The comparative anatomy explains that the teeth of humans is rich in molars, that is, from the Latin mola mill, and is used to grind and grind corn, various cereals and vegetables, how does the cow or sheep, notoriously herbivores.

L’uomo, the Pecora, the horse or the cow are very similar to the teeth and also for the type of intestine very long, narrow and convoluted. Everything is tailored to a type of vegetarian food. Unlike the case of the tiger or lion. Being carnivores have a different tooth structure, suited to tear the prey (then feeding carnivorous) with long sharp canines. Their intestine is also different and adapted to a type of power dense animal protein.

In short, if we introduce an excess of foods of animal type (meat or fish that is) produce dangerous toxins, that in the long run cause diseases. If you contact the main international vegetarian societies will provide you with an enormous amount of scientific studies that prove this. Not to mention the effect on the pH of our body with foods of animal type tends inexorably to the acidity, speeding up the aging process of tissue.


I wanted to bring this action by Marco solely because it made me think. Are not un'integralista, although I love the vegetarian diet. That said, the really important thing for our organization is to reduce the consumption of meat. Come ben si sa, the exception is not the rule…

But the cheese, Where do I put !?

A few days ago I was scolded for having put the cheese in the fridge.

 "Cynthia, the cheese should not be placed in the refrigerator! It should be kept out, and at the right temperature. "Easy to say! Not everybody have the pantry or cellar!

At this point I asked myself:  "But the cheese, Where do I put !?”

To dissolve my doubts, the only contact was my Master Taster cheese, Paolo Leone. He graduated in Animal Science and researcher and expert popularizer of culture of food, I am certain will clarify the issue.

A rent the oral…

So Cynthia, I'll explain. First of all depends on the cheese.

  • In general you can say that:
    a) it should be kept in the refrigerator,
    b) should be wrapped in paper or foil,
    c) be placed in the lower part,
    d) should always be stored in a box (there are plastic with perforated lids),
    and) it should be kept for a short time,
    f) should be cleaned thoroughly before consumption if there were mold,
    g) before putting it back in the refrigerator if necessary by changing the paper / film,
    h) care must be taken to moisture, eliminando nel caso le eventuali gocce di condensa.

The variables are the temperature and humidity of the refrigerator, if it is vented or less…

The Parmesan cheese can be wrapped in a damp cloth but be careful to check the moisture of the cloth.

Usare separate cutting boards for cheese washed rind (on the surface of cheeses are made sponging and washing with brine), and a bloomy rind (crust that is formed upon treatment with special molds), to avoid subsequent contamination during storage.

Cynthia, advice they obviously are not claiming to express the Summa of scientific knowledge.

Sure you Paul, e sai, I want to conclude with a Milanese proverb that says a lot…

In milanese si dice: “La buca l’è minga straca, the cow is not healthy "

La bocca non è mai stanca se prima non ha il sapore del formaggio 😉

"But the coffee powder you should refrigerate, o no !?

I recently heard reproach because they held the coffee in the refrigerator…

Honestly, it took me by surprise. Instinctively, my first response was: “But you say?” However, given the determination of my interlocutor, I decided as my usual going to go into that at the bottom of the issue.

We feel a bit’ opinions…

  • Lucia Galasso, Scientific Director at the Museum of Rural Life and the Olive Tree and beekeeper

– Not that I know will keep in the refrigerator is the best aroma and flavor (I always refrigerate).

  • Samuele Vergari di Foodwinebeer.it

– Not, I keep it in the dark and in a cool, dry place.

  • Raffaella Fortunato of cookartmagazine.com

– There is a line of thought that goes in this direction. I keep it in a dry place in a jar with screw cap.

  • Teresio Nardi, Capo Condotta Slow Food – Oltrepò Pavese

– I cherish the pantry, in a dry place and in the jar.

He wants the case that, I am here to ask and, I came across the booth of Caffè Corsini TUTTOFOOD 2013, la fiera dell’agroalimentare a Milano.

Here I posed the question to Henry Gigliarelli Director of Sales,  e a Santi Anedotti Direttore Commerciale dell’azienda. Thanks to their many years of experience I could ascertain that, the important thing for the conservation of the coffee, is the sealing of the container.

Reducing the contact of the product with air if it allows the conservation and maintenance of the aroma.

Concerning instead the question "refrigerator", I have established that le basse temperature raffreddano gli oli presenti nel caffè non favorendo il miglior risultato finale. The ideal is to keep it at a temperature of 12/13 degrees. (Do you remember the beautiful handouts once…)

Good, seems to finally clarify the issues, then I prepare a good coffee,  perché il caffè, is a serious matter!  😉



Who butter hurts ... die by the sword!

Now you say: “Cynthia, but that's not how it is said!” Lo so bene! Not for nothing are passionate woman with swords, and then I borrowed the phrase and I adapted a little bit. Also because I confess to being known for my gaffe spontaneous and not remembering ... well proverbs is my habit storpiarli! Son mica perfect! 😉

Having said this, and at the head. I wear the armor and sword I am ready to defend the butter!

This product derived from the processing of cream, is almost demonized, unfairly in my opinion, convinced that not only good but good face! But do you remember those beautiful slices of bread, butter and jam we ate from small??  Well ... I still eat them, but few are those who do. 🙁

So now by hard head which I try to convince you!

How to say ...?! But while making my dear Nicholas, or better, the Prof.. Nicola Sorrentino specialist in food science. 🙂

  • Nicola, explain to me what is the relationship between cholesterol and butter?

Cynthia, butter contains saturated fats primarily of, also contains cholesterol, all substances taken excessively predispose to cardiovascular disease, even more so when combined with other risk factors such as smoking, overweight, and a sedentary lifestyle. The butter fat, however, unlike other fats are “short-chain”, particular important fats for energy readily available and easily digested when eaten raw.The butter and a’ excellent source of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D).

As regards cholesterol, 100 g butter will make 250 mg, less than two eggs which alone bring about 360 mg of cholesterolThe guidelines for healthy eating Italian not say to avoid butter, but in the context of fat intake, I recommend a portion (10 g) per day.

A good butter is given mainly by the quality of “cream ” (put), and its processing. The butter is made by separating the fat (solid) milk from the liquid. To obtain 1 kg of butter are needed 23-25 kg di latte. It’ a lot of food energy because it consists primarily of fat. Lipids or fats are the nutrients at a higher calorific: provide approximately 9 kcal/g, more than twice that of sugar (carbohydrates) and proteins.

The butter is free from grinding and treatments hydrogenation (reaction that transforms the normally liquid vegetable oils into solid fats). The hydrogenation process can lead to the formation of “trans fatty acids” dangerous to our health, because they lower the good cholesterol and raise the bad cholesterol. Often the hydrogenation is conducted at oils not good quality. Learn to read labels, because often these acids are contained in margarines, in cooking fat, and in many bakery products such as biscuits or pastries. Currently there are products on the market with words “non hydrogenated vegetable fat”: they certainly do not contain trans fatty acids, but are not products that you can identify as the best. We prefer those that contain olive oil or butter.

That said I would add ...: "From tomorrow at breakfast both adults and children,  bread and butter ... big smiles! 🙂

“The pasta is not fattening”, legend or truth?


My questions to the experts ...

                             Says the Prof. Nicola Sorrentino

Good. You. Digestible. And so easy to prepare. The pasta, Star unchallenged the Mediterranean diet is popular all over the world.

Not only are the great chefs who compete with our most famous national dish… even ordinary people have discovered its culinary versatility. Always delicious with tomato and basil, or oil with garlic and chilli, or with the Ligurian pesto… the combinations are endless and condiments!

The vegetables,  healthy eating stronghold,  It enhances the flavor, digestibility and lightness.  Eggplant, peas, this, turnip greens, zucchini or broccoli. Here are just a few examples of vegetables that can make original and always different the usual pasta dish. Not to mention tasty and unusual pairings with fish sauce, or meat, or with vegetarian sauces for special and always healthy dishes.

  • But what gives us the dough from the nutritional point of view?

It’ low in fat, rich in carbohydrates, and is the main source of energy for our body. Eaten three hours before exercise increases the available glucose and improves performance.

“The pasta gets well and makes you fat!”

If we carry out an active lifestyle and moderate physical activity, the paste also increases our dynamism and it turns into fat deposits.

Also This precious food is also acting against our mood. It is no coincidence, after eating a tasty pasta dish we feel more serene:  about the triptofano, an amino acid that increases after the intake of simple or complex carbohydrates, and has the power to act on the mood centers stimulating the production of serotonin (neurotransmitter effective in depressive).Of course, if the dish is served with heavy sauces and processed that strain the liver and require lengthy digestion is not assured sense of serenity and well-being.

So go ahead to the dough if we maintain the lightness without excessively increasing the caloric value!




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