There are those who dream of America ... I dream of Trinacria

Remembering Ragusa ... traveling 'home’ between memories and flavors.

There are those who dream of America ... as far as I am concerned, on the list of my travel wishes there is beautiful Sicily, an island with a particular shape once called Trinacria, heraldic symbol depicting a female head with three bent legs. A name made up of two Sanskrit terms: ‘trna’ garden and 'krjia’ created, the garden of Eden. In realtà, in late April, I had planned a nice traveling trip unfortunately canceled due to the emergency that involved and shocked the entire planet. A dream journey but only postponed to better times. The least of the evils in this dramatic period that everyone - who more, who less – we are living.

Well, to console myself, I wanted to brush up on some memories of a tour done some time ago in Ragusa. A city that I initially met - like many others – thanks to the well-known television series taken from the novels of dear Andrea Camilleri. To tell the truth I wanted to visit it also for the feeling that it was a bit’ neglected by tourists who choose Sicily as a travel destination.

Ragusa, the city of a hundred bridges and eighteen Unesco monuments, the island on the island (you will understand the meaning of this definition after visiting it). For some years, from a tourism point of view, things have definitely changed. A success certainly to be attributed to artistic wealth, landscaping and gastronomy, but also to the extreme care of the city and the kindness of its people. Great credit for this growth, which, among other things, has made it possible to improve its reception and services, it is certainly attributable to the television series of Commissioner Montalbano. A fiction that in addition to enhancing the Ragusa area, helped to make known some recipes of the Sicilian tradition. Preparations with local ingredients that I did not miss during my stay in Ragusa. Arancini, busiate alle sarde, caponata, Sicilian salad (pomodoro, onion, capers and oregano), minne di Sant'Agata, loaf of bread (seasoned bread), cassata with ricotta ... and many others.

Since tomorrow we will all live an 'armored' Easter in our homes, I decided to brush up the good memories of my trip by preparing an ancient Ragusan dessert typical of the Easter period. A preparation made of simple ingredients that has nothing to do with the most well-known Sicilian cassata. A basket of pasta filled with fresh tuma – the curd, the first phase of cheese production – and ricotta.

Ragusan ricotta cassate

For the stuffing:

  • 1 kg per ton
  • 500 Article. cottage cheese
  • 450 Article. sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • cinnamon, chocolate and grated lemon peel

For the dough:

  • 1 kg of durum wheat semolina flour
  • 3 yolks
  • 50 gr of lard
  • water to taste.

Mix tuma and ricotta (or just cottage cheese) with eggs and sugar, then add cinnamon, grated lemon peel and chocolate chips. The cassata basket is prepared by mixing the flour with the egg yolks, lard and sugar and a little water. Obtained a homogeneous mixture, roll it out to obtain discs of about fifteen centimeters in diameter and some strips of dough of about one centimeter which will be used to reinforce the inside of the edges. Fill the baskets with the ricotta cream and bake for about fifteen minutes at 150 °.

Once ready, sprinkle with a little cinnamon and chocolate chips, if of Modica even better! In combination I recommend a good dry Marsala, Sicilian fortified wine with a great history.

Happy Easter!

Recipe source www.visitvigata.com


Regione che vai, amaretto che trovi.

Quando si parla di amaretti, il mio primo ricordo va alla Gisella, la mia nonna paterna mantovana. Un’ottima cuoca amante della tradizione e delle materie prime di qualità. Da ragazzina passavo molto tempo con lei, la seguivo durante le sue preparazioni e l’ascoltavo incantata nei suoi racconti. I nonni sono figure speciali, that, con parole semplici, sanno trasmettere ai bambini insegnamenti che difficilmente si dimenticano col passare degli anni. Tra i suoi piatti, in particolare, ricordo i tortelli di zucca mantovana. Un impasto delicato con un ripieno dal sapore dolce piccante dato dagli amaretti e dalla mostarda piccante.

Il dolce amarognolo degli amaretti.

Gli amaretti oltre ad essere apprezzati semplicemente così, come buoni biscotti, sono anche utilizzati in molte ricette. Il loro sapore dolce amarognolo è dato dalle mandorle e dalle armelline, il seme presente nel nocciolo delle albicocche, di cui però si deve limitare il consumo, affinché non diventi tossico. In provincia di Asti, nell’azienda “Le dolcezze del Pep“, durante una visita ho seguito con interesse le fasi della loro lavorazione artigianale. Un semplice impasto ottenuto con la giusta proporzione di mandorle, armelline, zucchero e albume d’uovo. In Italia la coltivazione del mandorlo, tranne che per alcune eccezioni nel settentrione, è diffusa soprattutto nelle regioni meridionali, territori in cui questa pianta trova il suo habitat ideale.

Regione che vai, amaretto che trovi.

Il Piemonte è la regione italiana che vanta, relativamente a questa tipicità, più preparazioni artigianali. Sono noti gli amaretti di Mombaruzzo, quelli di Valenza, di Acqui, di Gavi e di Ovada. In Liguria sono conosciuti quelli di Sassello e in Lombardia quelli di Saronno e di Gallarate. Nel Modenese vantano una lunga tradizione quelli di Spilamberto, mentre in Sardegna, grazie alla diffusa coltivazione del mandorlo, sono noti gli “amarettos de mendula”. Solo per citarne alcuni.

Normativa a tutela della denominazione “Amaretto” and “Amaretto Morbido”.

A tutela del consumatore il Ministero delle Attività Produttive e delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali ha elaborato una normativa, che qui di seguito riporto, a garanzia della denominazione dell’Amaretto e dell’Amaretto Morbido. Per entrambi in etichetta deve essere indicata la percentuale di mandorle e armelline presenti.

  • The denomination “Amaretto” è riservata al biscotto di pasticceria a pasta secca avente forma caratteristica tondeggiante, con struttura cristallina e alveolata e superiore screpolata, e gusto tipico di mandorla amara, con eventuale aggiunta di granella di zucchero. Il prodotto presenta una percentuale di umidità inferiore al tre per cento. Gli ingredienti obbligatori sono: zucchero (saccarosio), mandorle di albicocca (armelline), con contenuto di grasso superiore al 45%,mandorle, singolarmente o in combinazione, in quantità tali da garantire non meno del 13% di mandorle complessive, albume d’uovo di gallina.
  • The denomination “Amaretto Morbido” è riservata al biscotto di pasticceria a pasta morbida avente forma caratteristica tondeggiante, con superficie superiore screpolata. Il prodotto deve presentare una percentuale di umidità almeno dell’otto per cento. Gli ingredienti obbligatori sono: zucchero (saccarosio), mandorle di albicocca (armelline), con contenuto di grasso superiore al 45%, mandorle, singolarmente o in combinazione, in quantità tali da garantire non meno del 35% di mandorle complessive; albume d’uovo di gallina. (Le percentuali dei due tipi di mandorle vanno indicate separatamente).

Non ci resta che leggere con molta attenzione le etichette, or, per chi volesse cimentarsi, preparare con buoni ingredienti degli amaretti casalinghi.

Amaretti fatti in casa

> Dosi :

  • 200 grammi di mandorle dolci
  • 50 grammi di mandorle amare (o armelline)
  • 180 grammi di zucchero
  • 4 albumi d’uovo

> Preparation :

  • Sgusciare le mandorle e porle in acqua bollente per un paio di minuti.
  • Pelarle, farle tostare in forno caldo per dieci minuti, and, dopo avere unito lo zucchero, pestarle bene in un mortaio.
  • Aggiungere gli albumi e impastare fino ad ottenere un composto omogeneo da cui si ricaveranno piccoli biscotti rotondi.
  • Porli su una teglia da forno imburrata (o carta da forno), e cuocere a 160 degrees for about 20 minutes.
  • Gli amaretti, una volta raffreddati, vanno conservati in ambiente asciutto.

Le Dolcezze del Pep – Regione Prata, 95 – Incisa Spatacino (AT)


Un tempo la mia finestra si affacciava su una pianta di fichi…

Confettura di fichi senza zucchero.

Un tempo aprendo la mia finestra mi affacciavo su una pianta di fichi: era un albero del mio giardino. A quell’epoca non avevo una predilezione particolare per questo tipo di frutta. Forse perché era li, anno dopo anno, a mia disposizione. Devo ammettere che quella pianta ora mi manca. In realtà mi mancano tutti gli alberi del mio vecchio giardino a cui allora non davo la giusta importanza. Dare per scontato ciò che abbiamo sotto gli occhi tutti i giorni, è un errore che si rivela col tempo. Sono lezioni di vita che impariamo con l’esperienza, e che cerchiamo di trasmettere ai nostri figli, though, come noi, lo scopriranno col passare degli anni.

Pochi giorni fa, tornando da Treviso, ho portato con me dei fichi colti da un albero in aperta campagna. Belli e maturi al punto giusto, mi hanno convinto a preparare una perfetta confettura di fichi senza alcuna aggiunta di zucchero (100 % frutta non trattata a cui non ho tolto la buccia). Prima di scrivervi come mi hanno insegnato a farla, farò una breve premessa. Anche se il termine ‘marmellata’ a mio parere ‘sa più di casa’, ed è usato per lo più nel linguaggio comune, è giusto precisare che con esso ci si riferisce ad un composto a base di agrumi e zucchero, come da direttiva dell’Unione Europea. Con qualsiasi altro tipo di frutta, si ottiene una preparazione che prende il nome di ‘confettura’.

Confettura di fichi

  • Ho raccolto 3 kg di fichi ben maturi non trattati.
  • Una volta lavati, ho tolto solo le parti meno morbide della buccia.
  • Quindi li ho tagliati in 4/6 pezzi, e li ho posti a cuocere in una pentola a bordi alti con l’aggiunta del succo di due limoni.
  • Per addensare il composto ho unito una mela gialla a pezzetti con la buccia (contiene pectina naturale).

Confettura di fichi

  • Ho fatto cuocere il tutto a fuoco lento per circa 1 ora e mezza.
  • Nel frattempo ho lavato e sterilizzato i vasetti, coperchi compresi, in acqua bollente per 30 minutes.
  • Una volta che la confettura ha raggiunto la giusta consistenza, l’ho versata nei vasetti riempiendoli per 3/4; li ho chiusi bene, e li ho capovolti fino a che si sono raffreddati.
  • Ora sono a riposo, al fresco e al buio. Un assaggio però l’ho già fatto… 😉

Confettura di fichi


You know when he was born to rock? I tell you this while I prepare Spongata


Honestly before attending the evening culinary-literary held on 4 December 'The Garibaldi 'Cantu, I did not know it either when he was born to rock. The answer gave it to me Ezio Guaitamacchi, journalist and music critic, author and host of radio and television, founder of the historical monthly Jam, Italian thriller writer of the first rock 'Psycho Killer'. His latest book, with a preface by Renzo Arbore, is precisely dedicated to the 'History of Rock'.

Well, birth dThe history of rockel rock historians believe dates back to 1954 in the southern United States. A music that embodied the rebellion of young age and has had several phases. That of Lou Reed, according Ezio Guaitamacchi, was unique and special.

His interview more exciting one with Ray Charles, what is still lacking with Bob Dylan. During dinner inspired by the Christmas traditions of Parma, city ​​of the restaurant's chef, between courses and the other has traced the history of rock with songs performed by Ezio and by the talented singer Brunella Boschetti Ventura.

Music and flavors of Parma

Dinner started with the classic Culaccia, an exclusive specialty of Salumificio Rossi Sanguinaro Fontanellato. A salami without preservatives or additives produced only with pork legs National. A follow anolini in broth to which I added, following the teachings of my grandfather Giuseppe (mantuan), of From Old Red Rows the historic Cantine Bergamaschi ofChristmas traditions of Parma Busseto, birthplace of Giuseppe Verdi.

A wine produced with grapes typical of the Parma: Fortana, Lambrusco, Barbera and Croatina. After the mariola cotta (traditional salami Parma) with mashed potatoes and cabbage and sour, dinner ended with spongata, a Christmas cake from the ancient tradition of poor but rich.

And here I stop, rather, I give you the recipe in my turn I got to give.

Christmas 2014

  • Shortbread

We begin to prepare the pastry by mixing 400 Article. flour, 200 Article. di burro ammorbidito, 1 glass of white wine, 180 Article. sugar, 2 eggs and a pinch of salt.

Then let the dough rest for an hour in the refrigerator and roll it out with a floured rolling pin to form two halves, one base and a cover. Use a pan to low edge.

  • Stuffing

Heat in a water bath 400 Article. of honey. Then chop 200 Article. walnuts and combine 100 Article. breadcrumbs toasted, 100 Article. raisins, 100 Article. pine nuts, 100 Article. candied citron, 10 Article. cinnamon and a sprinkling of nutmeg.

Mix everything with honey, pour over pasta, and finally cover with the second disc. Prick the surface with small holes, and put in oven at 200 degrees for about 35 minutes.


Are you sure you know all about apples? Let's talk in front of a cake.

Today I want to talk about the apple, my delicate fruit, one of my strudel breakfast Trentino, what I use for cakes that take me back to childhood. Well, I think the apples are the oldest fruit. So many things you could write ...

Surely the most famous is the apple of Adam and Eve, the fruit of sin, not to mention that poisoned Snow White, or the one used in the title of a film to evoke the time of innocence and youth.

I therefore ask you: “What brings you to mind an apple?“As far as I'm concerned, it brings me back to the family and the beautiful traditions of the past.

Did you know that ...

  • Apples are a good source of fiber and for this a great low calorie snack, easy to carry Orchard.is.
  • They are rich in antioxidants.
  • Due to their low sugar content are ideal for diabetics.
  • Given the high digestibility can be safely consumed by those who have digestive problems, even after a meal.
  • And 'advisable to eat apples with peel, only in the case where there is the safety that have not been performed, treatments with pesticides.
  • There are more than a thousand varieties, for this is the most common tree on Earth.

This is the time for apples, I want to talk in front of a cake?

The Apple pie

Every family has an apple pie with its variants. I will do a very simple fact that I love to eat for breakfast. Here's how I prepare.

Once you have beaten three egg yolks with 150 Article. sugar, add the whites beaten stiff, and amalgamate with:

– 200 Article. flour

– 1 packet of yeast

– 80 Article. of butter out of the fridge for long

– a sprinkling of cinnamon

– half lemon juice

– three apples cut into cubes

Place the dough in the oven heated to 170 degrees, and cook for about 40 minutes.

The apple for breakfast

Le frittelle d’Acacia di nonna Vanda

Have you ever made pancakes with flowers Acacia? This is the right time.

A few days ago I picked them up in the countryside in Treviso, away from the smog and traffic. I was surrounded by the white of the bunches and I sucked perfumes.

The recipe for these pancakes that I have written below, is a sweet lady named Vanda will never forget the smile he addressed to me every time that I visited. For some years now has left us ... but not the memories.

Fiori d'Acacia

Le frittelle d’Acacia di nonna Vanda

Pick up bunches of flowers Acacia semi-closed in a non-polluted environment.

Then prepare the batter with the following ingredients:

  • 2 eggs
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 glasses of iced sparkling water well
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • a pinch of salt
  • half a bag of baking powder
  • a pound of flour

Mix well with a whisk.

Pastella per le frittelle d'Acacia

Once you have a smooth mixture immerse bunch of Acacia (without washing), and fry in hot oil or lard in good quality.

Frittura d'Acacia

Then, after doing well on paper towels to dry the pancakes, sprinkle with powdered sugar and flowers of Acacia.

Did you know that these flowers are a symbol of hope of love? 😉

photo 1

Tastes in Poetry. The pancakes wisteria


I love the wisteria and its color. As a teenager I spent many years in a place where there was a hedge of these flowers infinite. I remember that I walked and walked and ate the pistils .... Well, a few nights ago my way home I saw a cloud of pink clusters of wisteria. Suddenly I locked the car, as is now often the case when something catches my eye. I do not want to miss anything, no more. It’ so I dipped my nose and I started to suck. A delicate but intense, that remains in the memory, as it happened to me.

I could not help but photograph them and write them on the spot my feelings. It’ now this uncontrollable urge to stop the memories and emotions. Images, if shared, in turn give rise to thoughts and emotions in people. You know what came from my sharing this? Poetry dell'amica Alessandra Paolini, una donna che produce olio extra vergine di oliva in Calabria, and pancakes that I have prepared my chef friend Simone Toninato. One, because in addition to smell and admire the clusters of wisteria, I made a small bloomed theft. 😉

In fact the flowers over to view it satisfy the palate through many preparations. Laura Rangoni, wine and food writer and cook in the first place, suggests the use of the petals of the magnolia and acacia. Marina Betto, writer, sommelier, and passionate about plants and flowers (has written a book on gardening on the terrace), adds that the flowers are edible but many must be grown without pesticides (chemicals used against pests). La marmellata di rose, candied violets, ice cream with jasmine, i nasturzi in insalata… very particular flavors to which we are not accustomed, but to try!

Have you ever tasted the happiness?

climbs,Glicine ricetta
voracious, along the lattice
and filled with wisteria

is fragrant,
ed elegant

is abundant
lungo le nudità
of gnarled
who have crossed
storms and sterility

see String troppo
the heart of the chains
and covers
petals di Lilla:

Wisteria is a pancake

Alessandra Paolini

And if coltivassimo flower fields…?

Apple pie and raspberry jam for ... # UnLampoNelCuore

The women of Bratunac… una storia di donne dal sapore di lampone

mapI just finished listening Board Zarcovick, a Bosnian woman born in a country that no longer exists. Its, a story of a massacre in which 1995 gutted a land not far from us: ex-Yugoslavia. Eight thousand people killed, for the greater men.

Women who live alone who found the strength to rise again by investing its work in the ancient cultivation of raspberries. Women living in renaissance, lavorano e producono ‘insieme’ in una cooperativa agricola.

Things read of the war that has engulfed these peoples have always upset. I'll never understand how mankind can reach thresholds such cruelty.

Well, I was involved in a movement of solidarity 300 food bloggers to help these women, giving a sense of the day March 8. The task of every blogger will be to prepare a recipe with raspberries. Accepting it was a real pleasure, partecipare un onore.

With this initiative,, the food blogger who adhere to “unlamponelcuore” intended to raise awareness of the projectLogo Raspberries Peace “raspberries peace” e la Along with the Agricultural Cooperative (coop-insieme.com), born in June 2003 to encourage women to return home after the deportation of Bratunac after the Srebrenica massacre, in which the troops of Radko Mladic killed all their husbands and their sons.

 Per aiutare e sostenere il rientro nelle loro terre devastate dalla guerra civile, after ten years of residence in refugee camps, this project was born, aimed to reactivate a system of microeconomics based on the recovery of the ancient culture of raspberries and organization of families in small cooperatives, in order to reconstruct the plot of a social structure founded on mutual, on mutual support, and on the cooperation of all.

 A distanza di oltre dieci anni dall’inaugurazione del progetto, the dream of this cooperative has become a living reality and vital, capable of independent living and concrete symbol of the transformation of the word “return” in the choice of “remain”.

Although it is not a food blogger, Today I will do my best to make a cake with raspberries. A very simple preparation that I will dedicate to the brave women who have been called into play by taking the road of agriculture with the cultivation of raspberries.

Did you know that…

  • Raspberries are rich in vitamin C
  • Their juice is known in natural medicine for the beneficial properties on the digestive system

Apple pie and raspberry jam

A Flash In The Heart Recipe


– 2 eggs
– 150 Article. flour
– 100 Article. sugar
– 100 Article. raspberry jam
– 1/2 glass of raspberry juice
– 2 apples cut into squares
– 60 Article. di burro ammorbidito
– a pinch of salt
– a packet of yeast

  • In a bowl beat the eggs with the sugar.
  • Then combine all the ingredients one at a time, stirring until mixture is smooth that will transfer into a baking dish.
  • Bake in an oven pre-heated to 180′ for 40 minutes.

Once cooled cut the cake into large squares serving it accompanied by a few tablespoons of raspberry jam.

A perfect energy snack for breakfast!

Cinzia and kitchen

Here are some pointers to find the products of the Agricultural Cooperative Together :

– are distributed by Coop Adriatica and Northeast-then you will find it more easily in the Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, part of Emilia and Lombardy. The stores they have in stock the products start from 1000 mq in su;

– are also distributed by Altromercato and fair trade, and from their website (altromercato.it) it is possible, also through an email request, get the point of sale;

– in Milan are distributed by MioBio, a very active gas.


Banner ‘May Esteve

A chat with a Baker's Subversive, perché c’è pane e… Pane!

The recipe: “Le Macine”

I'm going to take the bread from the baker ... love it!

You know that smell that you feel coming into the shop ... mmm, wonderful!  But beware, c’è pane e… Bread! 😉

I want to do some 'clarity! Today you go to the bakery, but to talk about bread, flour, ... yeast and sourdough.

My victim of the moment is Maximum Grazioli, a baker who I met at the last Meeting of Subversive of Taste.

From 1974, date of opening of his shop, produces continuity with bakery products.

"The bread, a flavor that has a zest for life and that leaves you speechless, that accompanies us and leads us to walk through time. Maximum Grazioli "

But now bake bread, ops che ho detto, inform you today ...! 😉

  • Hello Massimo, start from the beginning, but how to make bread?

To make bread, but it's good, you need to use high quality raw materials.Maximum Grazioli

First. The use of stone ground wholemeal flour is fundamental.

Second. Giving due importance to the time needed to ripen the dough, fundamental step to develop aromas and flavors, and to make it more digestible.  

Third. The sweat and toil of those who make the bread you from his soul, but in exchange wants your.

Fourth. The yeast.

  • We speak of a fungus. Eh si, its a fungus, "Yeast". Therefore, you hear of yeast, Yeast mother ... Let's ripassino?

The sourdough starter is a culture of microorganisms, various fungi and bacteria, whose metabolism produces a fermentation, that is, transforms the starches of the flour into carbon dioxide and alcohol, making the dough.

The real peculiarity of the yeast, is that among the various fungi and bacteria (the two species are cousins), are present lactic acid bacteria and acetic that produce a series of organic acids and damage to the bread, made with yeast, unique characteristics in terms of aroma, digestibility and retention.

Unlike, in yeast fungi are present only (Saccaromiceti) which ferment is, but produce very little organic acids. You can understand very well the aroma of bread.

  • Now step to a topic that I would call hot, I am referring to flour. Let's say there's a bit ' of confusion between the consumer, because sadly there are bad meal and dubious origin. Do you want to tell me about it, and especially, give some advice for a more informed choice?

From my point of view it is crucial to use the stone ground, that are integral,  and that possibly come from cereals organic farming. This gave him the true value of bread for anyone who decides to bake in a home or professional.

I confirm then, that in the world of flour from mills industrial, not everything is clean and clear. I would say at this point, that it is better to buy them from small mills that grind stone, or through GAS, or, finally, in specialist shops kind Nature is.

  • The water in the dough also has its due importance. You use that water?

For water I use a device that makes it even lighter by removing some’ limestone.

  • Salt or no salt, in the sense that some use it some do not. When, and as such should be used in the bread ...?

It is for the salt, and only sea salt. I use the Piran salt that is less bitter. The percentage is 1,6 % su ogni kg di farina. Also, with wholemeal flour rich in flavor, if it has less need.

In conclusion I ask you a recipe with bread, a tradition, I like it! 🙂

There you are satisfied Cinzia, I'll give you the recipe to make "Le Macine


Ingredients :

·       800 Article. of stone-ground flour "The Grinders" Mulino Marino

·       200 Article. Rye wholemeal

·       650 cl. water to 28 °

·       400 Article. sourdough ready to maturity

·       15   Article. salt


Preparation :

  • Mix all the ingredients, except for the salt, and for 50 Article. water that only add to the end to balance.
  • Stir the mixture slowly until a dough well format.
  • It 'important that the final temperature of the mixture is about 27/28 degrees.
  • Let rise in a warm for more than 2 hours.
  • Then form the loaf, and let it rise for another 2 hours.
  • Bake at 210 ° for 60 minutes.
  • Finally, turn off the oven, leaving within the millstones for other 10 minutes with the door ajar.


La Bottega del Pane Massimo Grazioli

from 1974

Via Rossini 15 – Legnano (MI)

e-mail: massig61@alice.it

Vino Cotto, cooked or ... both?

The recipe: “Caldidolci Vin Cot Quistello”

Vino cotto or cooked must? I would say both, but we are sure to know the difference? To do a bit 'of clarity I will help manufacturers.

Recently, after knowing better both products, I realized that not everyone knows the difference. Both excellent productions, however, different for both density that for the uses to which they are intended.

We start from the assumption that the firstmulled wine in the Picenois a real wine. It’ obtained by boiling the wort from the vines of Verdicchio, Trebbiano, Montepulciano and Sangiovese, and is aged in oak barrels. E’ un the dessert vino, also used in desserts and to flavor meat. Above is an excellent remedy for curing cough and cold, and for people like me, Loves naturale medicine, this is already a good reason to talk about it.

It let me know Emanuela Tiberi of 'Farm David Tiberi Loro Piceno, with which, during an evening of food and wine circle “For All Tastes” coordinated by Charles Vischi, I got to chat.

Step prays al "Cooked wine Mantua" that, in the dialect, is called "cooking wine". I met thanks to my dear Paola of Cellar Quistello Mantua, receives the Twitter, and then in person to GourMarte, the food and wine event coordinated by Elio Ghisalberti.

La Cantina is a social Quistello cooperative formed in 1928 by a group of growers whose production is spread along the banks of the river Secchia. A land full of ancient traditions and gastronomic wine that I know well and I appreciate for my paternal origins valances.

Therefore, here to help me to clarify is their President, that defines me their mulled wine is not a wine, but a cooked grape must; is used as a seasoning for meat dishes, for salads, and also for sweets.

As established by rules of production of vin cooking, the raw material used is the Lambrusco grape must Grappello Ruberti, historic grape grown in the production area of ​​the PGI Quistello. It 'a product with a lot of concentration of grape sugar and alcohol-free.

In conclusion, back to the question I posed initially on: “vino cotto or cooked must?” I would say both. I will use the "Vin Cot Quistello" in the preparation of a dessert by themselves recommended, and the "Vino Cotto Piceno" as a dessert wine to accompany. 😉

"Caldidolci Vin Cot Quistello"

  • Ingredients:

A liter of milk, 3 cups cornmeal thin, a pinch of salt, sugar to taste, a bit of butter, a handful of raisins, pine nuts to taste, a dash of Vin Cot Quistello.

  • Preparation:

Prepare a poultice bringing milk to the boil while adding the flour of corn and a pinch of salt. Rimestare bene, until the flour is cooked. Add, stirring constantly, sugar, a bit of butter, a dash of VinCot and for the last few raisins and pine nuts.

With the polenta obtained form many biscuits oval and let them rest for a few hours. Pass them then baked, being careful not to dry them.

I "Caldidolci" as the word itself, should be served hot.


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