La mia frittata del… Cactus!

Durante i miei giorni trascorsi sull’isola di Ponza, ho passato parte del mio tempo sul terrazzo della casa in cui ho soggiornato, una tipica abitazione ponzese in un borgo marinaro di pescatori in frazione di ‘Le Forna’. Ho goduto così di un’atmosfera molto particolare: di giorno una ricca e variegata vegetazione mediterranea, and, al calar del sole, della poesia delle luci delle case in lontananza sulla collina… quasi un presepioNopal..

Mentre i miei occhi brillavano per tanta bellezza, ho fatto una piccola ricerca su una pianta rigogliosa che avevo proprio a fianco a me: il cactus. Adoro da sempre i suoi frutti, i fichi d’India, molto meno le sue pale spinose, i cladodi, più noti con il nome di Nopal. That said, visto che sono curiosa e che amo le sfide, con la dovuta prudenza, ma soprattutto con dei guanti, ne ho tagliata una giovane e… l’ho messa in padella!

Le pale del cactus Opuntia, pianta tipica messicana, sono un alimento molto diffuso nella cucina di questo paese per il buon apporto nutrizionale di calcio, magnesium, iron, potassium, vitamina A e C. Inoltre è conosciuto per i suoi effetti sazianti, diuretici e ipoglicemici. Una volta tolte le spine, si può assaggiare la sua morbida polpa aggiungendola nelle insalate o come ingrediente per gustose frittate.

Well, fatta questa premessa, visto che amo conoscere e assaggiare tutto ciò che la natura ci offre spontaneamente, mi sono fatta la mia frittata… del cactus! 😉


  • Raschiare le spine di due pale, Nopal, con un coltello affilato.Nopal
  • Tagliarle a pezzetti e porle in un tegame ricoperte di poca acqua.
  • Farle cuocere per circa 15 minuti unendo del sale grosso e mezzo succo di limone.
  • Scolare e sciacquare sotto l’acqua fredda per togliere la ‘gelatina’ restante.
  • Nel frattempo imbiondire una cipolla in padella unendo il Nopal a pezzetti, uova sbattute, sale e olio extra vergine di oliva.

Assolutamente da provare!

Memories of summer and ... "Frico Friulano"

I remember when as a child, during the summer holidays in the countryside, There was organized for the usual trip cousins ​​in Friuli…

Along the way, as I watched from the window the succession of beautiful landscapes of Carnia, in the province of Udine, I listened to the stories of my great-uncles were Trava and my grandfather Emilio.  He left a short time before I was born ... my middle name is in memory of.

A man creative and ingenious, generous and good company, so love to remember my cousin Julian. He lived in Carnia until the love of my grandmother, Louise, led him to move to a small town in the province of Treviso.

Meat, a land between the mountains inhabited by hard-working men and women, i Friulani. Julian still lives there ...

"Carnia is a place where you are at peace with yourself and with the world ... is the harmony between man and nature.” Giuliano De Colle

Today in his honor want to remember a dish of traditional Friulian I really love, il Frico. A plate with ancient origins, mentioned for the first time in 1400 by Maestro Martino of Como in the work "De Arte Coquinaria". Here I report the typical recipe of family.

  Il Frico Friulano

Serves 4 people:

  • 2 cucchiai d’olio
  • half an onion
  • 500 Article. potato
  • 250 Article. cheese montasio
  • sale q.b.


– Finely chop the onion, brown it in a frying pan and add the potatoes cut into fine strips.

– Season with salt and cook for 20 minutes, stirring often all.

– When the mixture is well blended, add cheese, cut into thin slices to melt it.

– Turning more times Frico so as to create a uniform crust and golden.

At this point I can only wish you good appetite greeting you as you would expect in Friuli send ...! 😉

“My son Andrew was ... December 8, 1989”

The recipe : “The Fonduta”

It was the 8 Dicembre 1989,  era notte quando nacque mio figlio…

I recall the words of the American writer Erma Bombeck…

Children are like kites,
spend your life trying to get them off the ground.
Run and run with them
to keep them both out of breath ...
As the kites, they end up on the ground ...
and you patched and comfort, adjust and teach.
You see them rise up into the wind and reassure them
that soon they will learn to fly.

Finally, in the air:
it takes more than the string and you followed to give.
And in each meter of rope
that escapes from your hand
your heart is filled with joy
and sadness together.

Day after day
the kite gets more and more
and you feel it will not be long
before that beautiful creature
break the thread that unites you and then be raised,
as it should be, free and alone.

Then only you will know
di avere assolto il tuo compito.

So it should be ...

Sfogliando delle vecchie foto la mente è tornata in un lampo a quei ricordi, ormai ventitré anni fa… Quanta paura, parenthood does change everything, the responsibility of a lifetime for the first time. I was not the practice of children, being an only child I was not very familiar.

I remember that, when I saw him for the first time had a terribly elongated head. Do you remember the Simpsons?  Chiesi subito:  “Ma rimane così?"They explained to me that it was the result of the difficulties that I had in childbirth. The swelling disappeared quickly unlike her crying ... uh that frignone! Cried all the time, and with that voice! 🙁

His first word "brumma", machine ...

In fact, the passion for engines we both DNA. However, unlike him,  io ho i miei limiti! Sometimes the strangle! It 's got to bring a door in the room! Not to mention the time that opening the shower I found myself in front of a tire! More than a room he lives in a workshop!

But not only, because being passionate about technology experiences for all! You know the eccentric inventor Emmett “Doc” Brown in Back to the Future trilogy? Here, it… equal!!! 😉

Andrea è un po’ particolare, come me dicono. A volte orso e solitario, ma per lo più amabile e sensibile. Solo chi lo conosce bene lo sa.

Mi ricordo quando anni fa felice mi portò a casa da scuola la sua ricetta della fonduta. La provammo subito. La sto leggendo ora esattamente come me la scrisse lui:

La Fonduta di Andrea (dosi per una persona)

  • 100 Article. di fontina DOP
  • 3 cucchiai di latte
  • 15 Article. of butter
  • 1 uovo

Amalgamare tutti gli ingredienti e far cuocere a fuoco lento mescolando fino ad ottenere un composto omogeneo.

Oggi Andrea compie gli anni. Our life has changed in recent times, I am often absent, but of one thing I'm sure, like a kite, he has now learned to fly.



"Omelet cugli sparni" (Omelette with wild asparagus)

The recipe : “The Wild Asparagus Frittata”

Romano Pomponi

People and their stories ... popular kitchen

Simple and genuine, with eggs of hens in the farmyards, white onion country, wild asparagus and bacon at home. Of course, extra virgin olive oil hills ciociare

Good, cominciamo dagli asparagi selvatici… Essendo la Ciociaria una terra collinare e montuosa, it is not difficult to find; both grow in clearings, that in the woods sunny up to about 1000 m. The oil is produced almost exclusively on rocky hills, alkaline, with low acidity, and the slight tickle that disappears with time.

Quasi una frittata di moda… Io sono nato nel 1958, and while living in a tourist town like Fiuggi, almost all had the pork raised in the countryside, le galline,  e piccoli orticelli in cui si piantavano ortaggi di vario genere, Now it seems organic, but we were all so even then, were biological, and we did not know!

The omelet was a dish that is often prepared, tasty but poor, appeared on the table of all, I do not say every day, but almost. I forgot, asparagus should be broken with your hands until you can hear the soft part, la parte legnosa non va utilizzata. Io faccio soffriggere gli asparagi con la cipolla e il guanciale.  Appena il tutto comincia a rosolare aggiungo le uova, and put a pinch of salt for each.  Andrebbe servita con del pane casareccio cotto nel forno a legna. Un piatto umile ma sostanzioso… come la mia amata Ciociaria


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