Where did the good Italian milk?

Written by CinziaTosini

There's all right, state tranquilli! It 's just that the issue here is complicated, or better, says Matthew Knowles, the issue here is primarily political. Let's understand something, I mean us consumers.

I remember long ago, visiting a farm here in Brianza, I was struck by the anger with which he spoke to me the owner. Too many bureaucratic loopholes ... too many difficulties in conducting. Mi these: “Cynthia, I knew how many times I'm tempted to sell! And 'everything became so difficult in Italy!”

The milk in Lombardy

I keep saying that there is a key word in all this: 'Sburocratizzare'. But not only, which c’è another word that complicates things: 'Milk quota'.

I would say at this point to make a short refresher since their introduction.

  • The 'milk quotas' were introduced in 1984 by the European Union for control of surplus production and to set annual caps of the member countries.
  • The maximum ceilings for individual countries refer to the quantity marketed. Exceeding these limits creates a criminal.
  • The method of allocation of the roofs of the units has emerged strong from the start controversy. Some EU countries had shares exceeding their requirements, while others including Italy, was assigned a quota equal to half of domestic consumption. Something is wrong ...
  • Infringements by farmers were inevitable, resulting in convictions of the European Court of Justice.
  • Subsequently, in 1994, were modified roofs reference comparing them to the production 1988/89 and 1991/92 of individual farms.
  • The roofs were, however, still exceeded despite a further increase in the next.
  • Between 1995 and the 2001 you are so accumulated fines for a total of 924 millions of euro, referred 276 excluded from amnesty, 486 by the state and 162 by the farmers. (source Confagricoltura)
  • Meanwhile, because of this situation, the number of firms è scesa da 150 mila a 66 thousand.

At this starting point the question arises: “But because farmers knowing of experiencing such heavy penalties continued to exceed their roof productive?

He answered and livestock nutritionist Paul Barberio.

– Cynthia, if farmers would produce less than they would have no choice but to close their businesses. Regrettably fixed costs, beyond that to affect significantly, have increased over the years in a dizzying.

Paul, you are a grower, but follow farmers as livestock for the nutritional aspect of the animals. What do you feel you are advised producers?

– To stand united. Businesses close together should unite to use instrumentation in common, or even to put together the herds. This applies to companies 60/100 leaders in a single system. Unfortunately costs incurred in the activities have soared, such as that of agricultural diesel, which in ten years has more than doubled. The times have changed, unfortunately,. Up to twenty years ago with thirty cows each farmer bought three acres of land every year ... now to take thirty, you have to sell three acres of land ...

A special thanks to Paul for helping me to understand Barberio. The issue is actually much more complicated. Self-declarations and miscalculations, led to a non-correspondence of the calculation of the roofs. Perhaps it would be to take up the issue by recalculating shares more parallel. Perhaps, more ...


Source: Confagricoltura    



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