Wild herbs

La Natura… cura! Today we talk dell'Imperatoria!

Written by CinziaTosini

Una chiacchierata a tre.

Cynthia Tosini: A rieccomi! Ciao Giustino, ciao Fausto! Today it is back to talk about herbs ... and then you are questioned! Walking in the pasture with the producers of Fontina, we chatted of this plant that they use (leaves and flowers) throughout! But I say all! For inflammations, the dermatiti, against colds, for digestive problems, e chi ne ha, più ne metta! In short, we want to talk! Daiii, when you have finished spalmarvi suntan lotion and sunbathing, to read up on that today we talk about herbal medicines! By the way I am attaching a picture of the plant that I have personally 2000 meters, is called The imperial (Peucedanum ostruthium) o Agrù dialect in the Aosta Valley.

Justin Catalano: But what creams!! What are you doing sfotti? 😉 Incominciamo col dire che l’Imperatoria… is also found at lower altitudes, e al sud.

Fausto Delegà: I know the Imperatoria, already named a program! I tasted in France liquor frataioli based on this like Angelica. Certain aromatic oils of its rhizomes are many. I know that in Switzerland they use the leaves and rhizomes for flavoring cheese.

Cynthia Tosini: Fausto Will not Believe… As he spoke with the manufacturer of Fontina, on the uses of this plant, all of a sudden I said: "But put it in the fontina, us?!"It will begin to do so… We will fontina therapeutic!

Justin Catalano: This thing I'm interested in and not a little!

Fausto Delegà: Beautiful news of the future fontina… Healing, ah ah 🙂

Cynthia Tosini: An old farmer told me Valdostano, that both the leaves and the rhizome dell'Imperatoria, are used for therapeutic purposes for generations. Therefore, he still makes them dry in the shade, then puts them in a breathable box, and then use them throughout the year for various skin inflammations. Boil the dried extract, which then puts it in a cloth closed using it mo 'swab with the remaining liquid. Buffered on the injured party seems miraculous ... indeed it is!

La natura… cura! 😉



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