Vivere l’atmosfera del Natale nei piccoli paesi, It allows you to take ownership of authentic traditions typical of this time of the year. Pochi giorni fa, Levico Terme, I immersed myself in the Christmas spirit characteristic of mountain resorts.
Un comune in provincia di Trento situato alle pendici del Lagorai, the largest mountain range of Trentino, It is known for its mineral waters discovered in the Middle Ages during the excavation of tunnels. Arsenical-ferruginous that, for their sedative and curative, act on the nervous system. Per chi vuole provarle la stagione termale alle Terme di Levico inizia da Aprile e si conclude a Novembre.
A pleasant town with a small historic center, workshops, bloomed and Art Nouveau hotels, enhanced by Secular park of the Habsburgs and the lake of the same name. For those who like skiing, behind the town, There is a rope with 18 km of slopes and a treadmill for families with children.
Every year, in this period, along the avenues of the park you can admire fifty wooden houses festively decorated forming historian Christmas market. Handicrafts and food and wine representative of the territory.
As well as along the main avenue, mi sono addentrata con occhi curiosi nelle piccole vie che conducono alla Levico Terme meno conosciuta. The houses of the past, the old courtyards, e le piccole gallerie comunicanti vissute in silenzio, I was back in time. Una Levico certamente meno turistica, but much more impressive.
Walking in the street parallel to the main one, mi sono soffermata su una tipica bottega artigianale di prodotti in terracotta. Inside, tantissime campanelle decorate appese ovunque. According to the ancient northern culture, servivano per allontanare gli spiriti maligni e ad avvicinare quelli buoni.
There are many events planned that accompany the end of the year in Levico Terme. Among the many, during my short stay, I have not wanted to lose "Strozegada”. Tradition has it that on the evening of 12 December, vigilia di Santa Lucia, children following the chariot of Santa up to the church square, drag along the way the “strozega”: tin cans tied together by a wire. At destination, le letterine con le richieste dei regali, vengono legate a tanti palloncini colorati lasciati volare nel cielo. Dopo tanto rumore, con gli occhi all’insù, il loro pensiero è un solo: “Chi sa mai che col baccano che abbiamo fatto Santa Lucia scenda a portarci i doni…” 😉
Magic and Christmas traditions for adults and children to live up to 6 January.