“The Prisoner” La Maison Anselmet

Visit the vineyards in Val D'Aosta is always an experience ... The fragmentation of plots, the varying altitudes, the picturesque terraced land at the sight they reflect on the hard work of the winemakers of Aosta Valley.

Always call heroic viticultureHeroes ... its men and its women who tenaciously working the land. When we paid an Aosta us look at wine with careful eyes. In tasting then, we will take all the determination, the effort and commitment of those who passionately makes the wines of the Val d'Aosta a proud Italian Tipicità.

The vineyards of House Anselmet A Villeneuve (AO), I'm proud testimony. I had the pleasure of being guided in my visit to Renato Anselmet that in 1978 wanted to give continuity to the family tradition to produce wine, and not just for himself. Chatting sitting in the tasting room told me: "I started with 70 bottles, now with George Anselmet, current "leader" of the Maison,  we got to 70,000 "

I was struck, in particular, the story of a vineyard "trapped" between two rock formations in the area of ​​production of DOC VDA Turrets.  Its special feature is the dual thermal excursion: "In the morning, surrounded by low temperatures during the day back. Then in the evening when the temperature tends to drop again, the heat of the rock held during the day mitigates this condition ". The result is The Prisoner, experiencing a wine produced in the wine-making method dates back to the documentation 1800.

A unique wine… is liberare…

“The bolt is like a son… if the feeling, if the love… se é tua, she will return to grow in its love that you gave… the cluster is expressed so”

Gabriele Gianni (Grower Villeneuve)



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