The first time I went over to rice was on the occasion of visit made to the Estate Colombara, headquarters of rice production jeweled Watercolor. I was reported by a friend for its particular rice which is replenished its bud, rich in vitamins and valuable nutrients usually discarded.
From there, who is playing the best of my knowledge. As I often say visit the farms is great experience that makes us more aware in the selection of foods to choose for our feed.
That said, did you know that…
- Italy is the first country in Europe for the production of rice. Despite this, the average per capita annual consumption is approximately five kilograms of rice per head. For many, the rice should be consumed especially when you are ill. It is not so!
- Do you think the world will eat 'second person' because it is a cereal rich in carbohydrates, Mineral sali, vitamine e Protein vegetali. It provides the same calories of pasta but it is much more digestible. It has very little fat: ‘100 grammi forniscono 350 chilocalorie’.
- The uncooked rice should never be washed, do not miss this part of the minerals and vitamins. Besides, the water penetrates into the grain would encourage the disintegration during cooking.
- The best way to consume rice without losing its properties is steaming. The rice during cooking in water loses some of the vitamins B1 and PP, unlike the brown rice that, thanks to the cuticle, retains more vitamins of the B group.
- Si può combattere la cellulite anche col riso integrale. Why? Simple, because it contains few proteins, little miss, little sugar and has a diuretic. So much energy keeping in line!
- Italy is the largest producer of rice in the Community; the 90% is produced between Piedmont and Lombardy. Do you think that to produce one kilogram of rice are needed by 3.000 to 10.000 liters of water! In Italy it is classified into four groups: common or original, vegetables, fine and superfine.
- The merit of the development of rice production in the Lombardy region is also of Leonardo Da Vinci, towards the end of 400, fu incaricato da Ludovico il Moro di disegnare i nuovi canali e i congegni idraulici per il progetto di riordino delle acque della Lomellina. Funzionanti a tutt’oggi hanno dato nuovo impulso alla risicoltura e alla agricoltura della pianura padana.
- In the world there are more than 120.000 rice varieties conserved in genebanks. In Italy it is the best-stocked in Castello d'Agogna in Pavese, the Search Center Ente Risi.
Personally, I love risotto with mushrooms ..., with zucca, with Treviso, with gorgonzola, even with nettles and strawberries! Forse sarà per questa sua versatilità che potrei mangiarlo sia per pranzo che per cena! 😉
Finally Confucius said: "If you see a hungry do not give him rice, but teach him to cultivate "
Source: Ente Nazionale Risi - Paul Viana journalist specializing in the food industry
molto interessante.Complimenti
Thank You, merito dell’Ente Nazionale Risi che lo promuove. Io diffondo.