A few days ago I was scolded for having put the cheese in the fridge.
"Cynthia, the cheese should not be placed in the refrigerator! It should be kept out, and at the right temperature. "Easy to say! Not everybody have the pantry or cellar!
At this point I asked myself: "But the cheese, Where do I put !?”
To dissolve my doubts, the only contact was my Master Taster cheese, Paolo Leone. He graduated in Animal Science and researcher and expert popularizer of culture of food, I am certain will clarify the issue.
A rent the oral…
So Cynthia, I'll explain. First of all depends on the cheese.
In general you can say that:
a) it should be kept in the refrigerator,
b) should be wrapped in paper or foil,
c) be placed in the lower part,
d) should always be stored in a box (there are plastic with perforated lids),
and) it should be kept for a short time,
f) should be cleaned thoroughly before consumption if there were mold,
g) before putting it back in the refrigerator if necessary by changing the paper / film,
h) care must be taken to moisture, eliminando nel caso le eventuali gocce di condensa.
The variables are the temperature and humidity of the refrigerator, if it is vented or less…
The Parmesan cheese can be wrapped in a damp cloth but be careful to check the moisture of the cloth.
Usare separate cutting boards for cheese washed rind (on the surface of cheeses are made sponging and washing with brine), and a bloomy rind (crust that is formed upon treatment with special molds), to avoid subsequent contamination during storage.
Cynthia, advice they obviously are not claiming to express the Summa of scientific knowledge.
Sure you Paul, e sai, I want to conclude with a Milanese proverb that says a lot…
In milanese si dice: “La buca l’è minga straca, the cow is not healthy "
La bocca non è mai stanca se prima non ha il sapore del formaggio 😉