But… Beer makes you fat?

My questions to the experts. Says the Prof. Nicola Sorrentino

La birra è una bevanda naturale e salutare priva di grassi e povera di sodio. It’ often at the center of debate and controversy, that create confusion and mistrust in the drinker: we clearly!

A glass of our favorite blonde does not make you fat and brings the right mix of vitamins, fiber, Mineral sali, and antioxidants. A glass of light beer with meals (200 cc) makes only 68 kcal, about the same as a similar quantity of orange juice or a 'other drink fruit-based, less than a glass (125 cc) of red or white wine, half of any soft drink.

It should be debunked the idea that beer is a drink high-calorie and full of chemicals harmful to our health. The beer is made only from natural substances such as barley and hops and only those who drink large amounts tend to gain weight. This idea of ​​fattening drink, probably, is related to the fact that in some countries of Northern Europe its excessive consumption is also linked to an unhealthy diet, rich in fat and calories.

The beer instead, combined with a proper lifestyle and Mediterranean-type diet healthy and balanced, can beneficially affect our state of physical well-being. There are many scientific studies that say that moderate consumption of alcohol is combined with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, thanks to the presence of minor compounds such as polyphenols, also important to reduce the oxidizing phenomena related to aging in general.

Il basso tenore alcolico e la sua “lightness” make beer suitable for men and women interested in their physical form, and who do not want to gain weight. Studies conducted in the U.S. showed that women used to drink a glass of beer with the meal, make less effort to stay leaner than teetotal.

Often women do not like to drink beer because they fear that the foam gives a sense of swelling resulting in dilation of the stomach and annoying. But the foam does not swell because the excess carbon dioxide remains trapped in the foam itself and is not ingested. In the opinion of experts a good beer should be served with a very compact and high foam at least two fingers. All the reasons that make beer “clear” a friend of the line!



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