Obiettivogreen, una bussola verde per orientarsi nel made in Italy sostenibile.

Obiettivogreen, a startup founded in the suburbs of Milan 2011 a project of the founders Matteo Cozzi and Benedetto Pillon. An idea developed to support electric mobility has evolved expanding the range of other fields of sustainability. A "green circuit" made of points of acceptance, including food, beauty, shopping, spa and travel.

The project in November 2013 He was among the winners of the competition organized by the Lombardy Region "Net Generation". In the same year she was recognized among the Open Source projects of the City of Florence on the city Mobile Applications. A green network that tracks and promotes sustainable reality of Italy, available through the APP mobile iOS and Android, or via the website Obiettivogreen.it

In an increasingly connected, provide a tool to facilitate the consumers to identify and interact with sustainable structures, certainly facilitates ethical consumption, quality and low environmental impact. Given the above, once you download the application, how to proceed?

  • I asked the question to the founders of Obiettivogreen.

Cynthia, it's all very simple. Una volta installata l’applicazione sul proprio dispositivo, you can customize theObiettivogreen map: you can select "points Reload" if you are among the lucky owners of an electric vehicle and find the columns closest to you, or select the "conventions" in order to discover the green side of your city and find all the activities affiliated with the portal. The selection can be changed at any time, e la consultazione di entrambe le mappe è totalmente gratuita. If you would rather get the discounts in all the activities you can buy the GreenCard directly from the app or on the website, This will appear on the phone's display to be shown at the time of payment to get the discount. Una delle tante scelte che abbiamo fatto per rendere il portale più sostenibile e consapevole nei confronti delle tematiche ambientali.

But the real strength of the App is that of involving the user entire project, simply photographing a column you can add it to the database, and once registered on the portal can be integrated, edit and update all the forms of charging points, clearly the data will be examined by our staff before going online. While for the Conventions you can report any that is not part of the portal and we will strive, contacting you to let it know our project. E 'remained unchanged so our idea to make everyone aware of to ensure that the project will grow with reports of those who live it every day.

  • Initiative, your, offering the opportunity to promote sustainable activities of addressing a targeted audience. See for yourself the virtuous structures that adhere to your project?

The creation of a portal that would promote the Made in Italy Sustainable is always our strong point and we wanted this to remain unchanged over time. We believe that portals where anyone can sign up and join there are too many, in our case we verify where you can directly structures that become part of the project. Where this is not possible for reasons including geographical, we tend to place structures that are suggested by other, or by other portals that have the same our sensitivity, or as I said before it is the users themselves, then targeted, to suggest to those who join the project. For this reason you will find that reality often are not mentioned in other portals and if they are found not clear why the value of the place, of your hosts, which instead in our data reflected immediately on the fly.

Currently the facilities are approximately 300 all details, sensitive, with something that makes them a target for our users. We never wanted to enter a form of construction of the card because we prefer to do it ourselves always comparing ourselves with stakeholders to make each tab a starting point and not an end point in the relationship between us and those who join the portal. Also for this reason membership is free, we only ask to the individual to guarantee us a discount percentage agreed always changeable over time.


  • At a time like this in which the rate of pollution has exceeded the minimum thresholds, what is your commitment to electric mobility?

Electric mobility is the main theme of our projects. In 2011 we created an app that would allow to report the columns simply by photographing, two years later we were the first project Made in Italy to have a website and an application that would deal with sustainable mobility. All of our users over the years have had in hand the tools to grow this movement, fortunately today we are no longer the only, There are many other organizations that deal with sustainability and mobility.

We believe that the 2016 is a key year for this sector, we will continue to be there with our project, with people who have followed us so far and we hope with others that will increase our wealth of knowledge in the field. We have several ongoing collaborations, just so we believe it is possible to spread a culture that until a few years ago was still the stereotype that an electric car was just a toy too expensive. We believe in this philosophy of change also our work has helped change the mentality and approach to mobility by all the experts, and not only. We therefore expect a significant year for our project and for the sustainability Made in Italy.

Special thanks to Matteo Cozzi and Benedetto Pillon for their commitment. If you like this project, mandando una mail a info@obiettivogreen.it con oggetto “Stories of People and Objectives Green”, potrete avere in regalo una Green Card per un anno. Così facendo proverete con mano il lato convenzioni del progetto.
“Enjoy Your City!”



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