I would like to ask ... maybe too un'Agricolazione ?!

Exactly so, I would like to un'Agricolazione with many agricultural products. Perhaps I ask too?!

The stop itself as, given that in addition to a juice among other too dear, seen 3 euro required a far cry from the selling price to the source of oranges, some sweet, a coffee or a cappuccino, the proposal does not go quite as well as dedicated food!

In short, I do not understand, and consequently provoke! Someone explained to me why only in hotels, at least in almost all, there must be a better offer in this sense! Mah! You could help so many agricultural situations by simply using their products for a good and healthy breakfast, my favorite meal and also the most important of the day.

Unfortunately Italians because of the hectic pace of life that lead to neglect the very. Perhaps this is why the offer catering in the morning is very limited… but not justified! At least on Saturday and Sunday I would like to see far more deals!

Dr. Catherine Kousmine, born in Russia in 1904, advised his patients to a royal breakfast, pranzo of a prince, and dinner from poor. As for me I would do the Queen every morning! 😉

I'll tell you this little episode. Not long ago, as I walked in the mountains in Switzerland, along the highway, and more precisely in Bellinzona, I stopped in for breakfast. I think it was the best breakfast I've ever been proposed. Practically there was everything. Frutta fresca e secca, baked goods, yogurt, juices, frullati, centrifugal, teas ... short, a true spectacle of colors and handcrafted products that made me think… "I wonder how many farmers are helped so ..."



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