Massimo and I Dellavedova ... the "chef in love"!

In love ... but you say "in love" of those who? But to me obvious! Quiet Maximum I can already see that Gin eyes or noo ...?! Friends, Seriously I want to present Massimo Dellavedova, my dear friend and chef ... I love that man!

I met him now time back by Antonella Varese, other chef protagonist of my story. He tells me often that Antonella is its female version, while I was there I can only say, I have the pride to count them both among my circle of friends. It certainly does not refer us the art of cooking ... I can see your face "alienated" by my son Andrew, that tells me that friends often noticing my interest in this world think about how lucky he is and tell him: “Who knows what dishes you eat at your house! E lui: "Ehh ...!"I must confess that I love good food, but how to cook it is better to pass over. E… va bè! Mica can be good at everything!

Ooops ... I am lost ... What I said?! Ah sì, I love Max, and as I could not. Sensitive and passionate man, but a bit 'crazy like me. With him my ironic emerges to the fullest and when you are, I enjoy it too much to take it a bit 'around, Time passes and the sound of laughter. When he tells me about some anecdotes, "Its a kind host who asked him the fish, but he did not know too much about fish ... "I say that we just have to laugh! Maximus in a gastronomic event has had the audacity to create finger in plastic balls that came from a vending. For non-expert like me, finger food is food eaten with the hands. Think that funny and original use as if by pulling balls like when the children estraevamo eager to discover the surprise! Well Max is so, loves to play on the imagination of the people ... Not for nothing is one "chef smile!”

Ma always eats physician, I point on the simplicity ... and in fact a day, while listening to the speeches of haute cuisine between him and another of his great colleague starry, I could not help myself. Do you think that debating the use of leaves from taste of oyster, the Oyster leaf Leaves also known as vegetarian oyster. Well 'I intervened so: "But I said sorry, but directly use the oyster noo ...?!” They looked at me almost resentful of my lack of appreciation for their research, I would call sometimes morbid! Now you see such elaborate dishes that often the authentic home cooking is an object of desire! Recently I happened to find myself in front of almost manic presentations. Beautiful certain, but sometimes more suitable for photo shoots for cookbooks! It 'true that creativity is part of their profession ... And then I say that perhaps revisit the classic dishes of our tradition, is what you expect people like me, who like to approach to a simple kitchen and quality.

I once asked Massimo: "What do you prepare yourself to me if I asked you a fresh appetizer for the summer?"He accepted the challenge and asked me: “Breadsticks amaretto wrapped in prosciutto di San Daniele with low salinity with bicolored storm melon mint, accompanied by finger food drawstring cantaloupe melon, and yellow melon with ham dehydrated. All accompanied by a woman and a Fugata Torbato”. Wow dissi!
He is not considered a great wine connoisseur ... When once asked him what he said predilection : "You know there are different, depends on the place and my mood ... the choice of wine for me to follow the mood ". Have you ever thought about it? It, an incurable romantic sweet and passionate as me. His dream is to create the space in which to invest his projects, his experience and his great creativity. And as I say, must always leave the doors open to the hopes, because people full of resources should be supported and encouraged ... are the future and the driving force of our beautiful country!

As one of my colleagues: "The earth is not ready for the extra terrestrial" and I add ... "as women for romantics". Maximum Dellavedova


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