Did you know that olive leaf ...

Did you know that olive leaves are used for the treatment of hypertension due to their vasodilatory… There are some studies, it is true, but it is also true that once dried, for rural tradition are used to stabilize the states of hypertension.

In confirmation of what has been written above, have no weight only folk traditions.

You should know that I have contacted many people before writing what you're reading. Most did not know what to say, they simply ask me to keep them updated from any answers to my research. In fact I have not discovered anything new, l’unica cosa certa è che l’Italia ha più di 530 types of cultivars, resulting in a natural vocation, for a plant such as olive, known for its properties and its therapeutic use since the antiquity by all peoples of the Mediterranean basin.

In this regard, I have to thank for the support Dr. Fausto Mearelli, Lama San Giustino in the province of Perugia. The reading of the texts that you sent me is helpful to better understand the issue.

It was the Dr. Mazet, a doctor in Nice, who began experimenting with olive leaves in 1938, using them after they have been tested with success for the treatment of 38 its hypertensive patients. He was given a decoction their, obtained by boiling 20 Article. olive leaf in 300 cc. d’acqua, ridotto fino al volume di 200 cc.  His 38 patients, 30 stabilized resulting in a net improvement in positive, on previous blood pressure. These experiences were later also established by the researches of Italian Dr. Di Nunno.

That said ... why not try to treat hypertension even with the decoction of olive leaves!  O siamo forse troppo pigri da preferire una pillola a un infuso?! Some, sometimes it is necessary, but ... it costs us groped?!

At the end of today I have only told a story ... a story of natural therapies that we can do only good for your health!

A 'walk of the old manor that clutter ivy and bramble,

where he lives in a brown hawk ... 'standing hatred that, at last,

only with its ruins, we plant the olive tree!

 Giovani Pascoli da “Canzone dell’ulivo”


Sources:  “L'Olivo as herbal plant

             Prof.. Andrea Fabbri of the Faculty of Agriculture – Università di Parma

             Dr. Maurizio Pedrazzini Herbalist – Parma


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