Italians, an undisciplined people

And 'Saturday, here in the north continues to rain. Questa strana estate of 2014 seems to feel the mood of the people. Mah, I'm thinking about what to do? I wanted to go to the lake, walk around looking at the mountains and enjoy a little 'sunshine. But no! Then I read. Nothing good. On the web information reminds us that we are in deflation, we do not even realize we were. Come spiega Wikipedia: "The deflation is a fall in prices. It derives from the weak demand for goods and services. "And how could it be otherwise…

To remedy might act on spending, reading labels better, and above the origin of the products. Obviously portfolio allowing, seen that the sacrifices they are doing especially producers and consumers, whose portfolios are emptied from taxes. I remember the lords of the institutions, even though they know it, that we have the record also those! If at least they gave the example! Ahh mine Povera Italia, that of my grandparents, the beautiful country, rich in many resources, except that of discipline and wisdom…

'd Better keep reading goes ... In other news: “The activities included in theUnlock Italy – ANSA says Agriculture Minister Maurizio Martina – help companies make a quantum leap in exports and increase revenue with new tools for promotion and protection ofMade in Italy ‪ ‎agroalimentare. We aim to make it easy to recognize the origin of our products and to strengthen the fight against fake Made in Italy”. Source Ansa Earth&Taste 29 August 2014.

A story that I shared and that has warmed the hearts. Carry some comments.

Arnaldo da Brescia: “The leap in quality!!! It means to jump from the bridge of London rather than one on the Po…”

Salvatore Accurso Tagano: “I hope it's true. We continue to get cheese, dairy product, meats and much more, from all countries of the world, with names of Italian products. The most glaring are the Parmigiano, Grana and Mozzarella. If the labels are clear and legible, Italians would realize how much garbage they eat.

Matthew Knowles: “I'm not convinced that Italians interests recognize one product over another… at the bottom are already recognizable foreign products produced by Italian.

Gian Carlo Spadoni: “In this perspective, agro food should also be involved restaurateurs, with new rules for the insignia of the Italian cuisine, with the obligation of Italian Chefs School, and the use of 90% Italian products. Then you would do all that “system”. Because if you put everything in the hands of the consumer ends up as in the catering trade liberalization on.”

What about… perhaps only that an examination of conscience on our behavior we should do it all. In these days of falls, in the stories that I have heard from several people returned from abroad, you can easily understand how, both services and civic-mindedness of many countries, is better than our.

Italians, alas, are an unruly people. The reason is obvious: we do not know to respect the rules. But not only, Unfortunately, we continue to be concerned as they say, only to 'our backyard'. The funny thing is that we own ourselves to point out the thing.

Then, do? On productions must intervene heavily and immediate competence of the institutions, easing the mechanisms of bureaucracy, and guaranteeing the authenticity of Italian products with trademarks can be easily understood. I sincerely hope that these latest measures by the Minister of Agriculture Maurizio Martina are effective in this regard.

With regard to discipline, alas latita, should be reinstated as a priority the’Civics, established by school subject Aldo Moro in 1958 in all schools, and currently only inserted as an appendix in other subjects. The findings resulting from such failure shall be under the eyes of all…

Maybe it only remains to hope that, view of the serious situation in which we find ourselves, something decisive is done. Meanwhile, because the sun is not out yet, I will console myself by making an apple pie, those of my tree. 😉



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