But ... you make love with food?

I remember one day when I described the feelings of a cook in a sweet taste… true ecstasy! He told me ascontandomi: “Cynthia, you made love with food“. He touched interrupt the conversation of the person with me to dinner,,it,For me the food is celebrated,,it,"For years now we are spectators of a media barrage of misleading information,,it,I often speak to my doctor supporting his friend Nicola Sorrentino to dispel myths and mistaken beliefs that influence us in power,,it,Nutrition education in schools is essential,,it,but also it teaches how to eat to live long and well,,it,understandable with,,it,Instead abounds with vegetables and low-calorie food,,it,Many studies say that foods such as,,it,the secret is to season it with simplicity and imagination,,it. The intensity of the moment was such as to make that my focus was entirely devoted to the pleasure of those emotions. Do you think I exaggerate? Friends, depends on how you live ... I live the food slowly savoring and enjoying the flavors and scents… not for nothing are always the last to finish. Per me il cibo va celebrato, but beware, always remember that, as is now being used to say: "We are what we eat"!

And now I ask you: "How many really realize the damage of a poor diet?” Ormai da anni siamo spettatori di un bombardamento mediatico di informazioni fuorvianti. Very often say: "Turn off the TV ... and you start to think that maybe go back a step back and collect the healthy habits we once could only be good!”

Vegetable, dried fruit, less refined foods, less fast food ... just read and find out a bit '. Much is being done in this direction, and much can still. Faccio intervenire spesso a mio supporto medico l’amico Nicola Sorrentino per sfatare miti e credenze sbagliate che ci condizionano nell’alimentazione. L’educazione alimentare nella scuola è fondamentale, I would also say that civic, here and there would have to say, but I will not get out off topic, because today is the protagonist Nicola Sorrentino and his new book “The Diet Sorrentino”.

A book that, as I said Nicola, helps you lose weight, ma insegna anche come mangiare per vivere a lungo e bene.

Nicola, a te the oral ...

The Diet Sorrentino. The real healthy diet to lose weight and stay healthy”

Nicola Sorrentino

A book light, comprensibile con many tasty recipes and easy to perform for anyone who wants to try their hand in the kitchen. A diet that limits fat, monitors sugars, abbonda invece con i prodotti ortofrutticoli ed alimenti ipocalorici, but at the same time tasty and satiating.

A diet a bit 'vegetarian because it provides such as proteins of animal origin only yogurt , Parmesan cheese over pasta and fish, weekly eggs. Rarely does a sandwich with ham or bresaola. Many dishes with vegetables: this, beans, peas, lentils, soy. How to snack and snack, often dried fruit because it allows you to get to the main meals with less hunger. Molti studi dicono che gli alimenti come la dried fruit, with a good fat content but with low glycemic index, increase the sense of satiety.

A book where he says that the pasta is not fattening: il segreto è condirla con semplicità e fantasia, preparing a light sauce with vegetables, flavored with herbs and spices, and drizzled with extra virgin olive oil, yogurt sauces or a teaspoon of parmesan cheese. A diet which includes lunch or dinner a range of tasty main dishes where pasta is accompanied sometimes with vegetables or beans and sometimes fish,,it,Better if the dough is integral,,it,with refined flour are deleted many important nutrients for the body,,it,except for the Parmesan cheese and yogurt,,it,admitting that a small amount of dairy products helps to cover the calcium and vitamin D needs,,it,Mediterranean diet which takes into account,,it,Sandro Serra,,it,sometimes fasting or induce the desire to consume blood with voracity,,it,others you delight in savoring small bites,,it. Meglio se la pasta è integrale: con la raffinazione della farina vengono eliminati molti nutrienti importanti per l’organismo. Whole grains and pasta consumed daily and paired with a lifestyle correctly can reduce the risk of many diseases. And more help to lose weight.

A book where it is written that we must drastically reduce the red meat. In the past, bring meat to the table was a sign of well-being, Today it is not so. At one time it was thought also that the meat was needed to produce blood and that might give strength and vigor, today no longer considered synonymous with health. However you have to make some clarifications: definitely white meats are less harmful than the red ones and lend themselves to different cooking methods and less unhealthy. Contain lower amounts of fat and bring to a lesser extent cholesterol and uric acid, substances related to various diseases.

In the diet Sorrentino there is no milk, are not expected neither dairy, fatta eccezione per il parmigiano e lo yogurt, ammettendo che una piccola quantità dei suoi derivati aiuta a coprire i fabbisogni di calcio e vitamina D, but asserting that even if neither can well do without. Lo yogurt, however, is lean, private that the lipid fraction (0,1% fat), white or fruit, place it in the diet may be an opportunity to greet, although the milk proteins are not the best: a cup of yogurt, because of its water content, do not make more than 4-5 g (about 4 each 100 g). The fact of being deprived of fat results in a reduction of the content of calories, cholesterol and saturated fats that make this food suitable for any diet. However, the main quality lies in its content of yogurt lactic acid bacteria (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli), which exert a positive effect systemic inflammatory, immune-stimulating and regulating bowel function. In this regard, you can not help but notice that some varieties are even enriched with fibers.

It is a diet that does not create too many complications, the midday meal, for example, often consists of simple dishes to be enjoyed at the bar or in the restaurant, un’alimentazione di tipo mediterraneo dove prende in considerazione The food not only as energy needs or survival, but also as "conviviality". Conviviality understood as a manifestation of affection, communication, aggregation: and then no guilt if occasionally eat a steak or a sausage, a sandwich with ham or bresaola. A slice of cake or a wedding dinner can not hurt or ruin your diet. Then, is right to celebrate birthdays, Christmas and the holidays ... Very different to celebrate every day! What you need to change is the style of life and methodological approach to the day. Since good nutrition, varied and equilibratadipendono the right growth, the ability to cope with daily tasks with energy and efficiency, disease resistance and quality of life. The Diet Sorrentino, based on the principles of healthy eating, allows you to regain the form in 30 days of eating everything, without having to give up or even to pasta to pizza, reducing, without demonize, proteins of animal origin.



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