Francesco Santorelli, a story of revenge in sport and catering

Before starting to tell you this story I want to ask you a question: have you ever tried to socialize with those who live next to you? Obviously I'm talking about true sociability, what so many preach on the web, but that few realize in reality. Yeah… I'm referring to social interactions between people who accidentally find themselves living next to each other, but they don't really know each other, or better, who are often not interested in doing so.

Yet… yeah, yet we live in an era of great virtual connections, and, unfortunately, much less than relationships that presuppose real relationships of knowledge. I am referring to those 'neighborhood ties' that consolidate over time, but above all live, and who often help each other, making you less alone, who alone often comes to find themselves for the circumstances of life. Without a doubt the frenzy of our times, fears and mistrust, they do not facilitate live social relationships. In this fast digital age, interacting on social networks gives the illusion of greater security, with less risk and interference in our private sphere.

But now I ask you: all at what price? To appear and not to be, fill in gaps without actually living them.

Well, I wanted to make this premise because recently, after yet another change of residence, I found myself in these circumstances: between close and unknown people, that, despite numerous mutual commitments, they decided to change the state of things. Come doctor always, getting to know people and sharing experiences is of great emotion and enrichment. This is why today I want to tell you the story of a young man, in a certain sense 'close to me', which I really appreciated for the strength and determination he showed in winning a great challenge: life and the obstacles it poses to us.

I present to you Francesco Santorelli, athlete from Briantea84.

The beauty is an accomplice in this story‘Mbriana, benevolent spirit bringing serenity and good omen, protector of homes and places where she is welcome. A good fairy born from an ancient Neapolitan legend, who is accompanying Francesco in his new adventure in a different field than usual: that of catering. I already imagine your astonished faces!  Neighborhood ties, spirits, legends ... but what are we talking about you will say?! Be’, I think you are right. Perhaps it is appropriate to start from the beginning…

Francesco Santorelli, class 1992, he was a child like many others in Naples, his hometown, he loved playing football with friends. A sharply shaken childhood at the age of six, after a car accidentally hit him on the street, causing him a serious motor disability. A traumatic event that, after the consequent adaptation difficulties, he gave away his second life. Family support is essential, his determination is essential, but above all his desire to socialize. In fact, after some individual sport experiences, the need for team spirit led him to choose wheelchair basketball. Initially with Ciss Napoli, then, after the call to Brianza, land to which he moved permanently, con la Briantea84, paralympic sports club with which since 2013 to date he has won well 21 trophies.

And the beautiful 'Mbriana you will say? What does all this have to do with it?

Well, Francis, as well as having a passion for team sports, as a good Neapolitan he loves pizza. Not happy with the goals achieved, we wanted to set a new objective: become a restaurateur. A project that triggered something in him, or better, which led him to open a pizzeria in Monza: ‘Mbriana Pizza & Food’. A place inaugurated in January of 2022 together with his cousin Giuseppe Corrado: hotel training in Naples, internship in London, personal realization in Brianza. “You know Cynthia, in Naples I can say that I learned to make pizza, but in London certainly to accept the many hours of work that catering requires.”

Pizzas and treats with selected raw materials from Campania and Brianza, which I tasted and greatly appreciated the evening I went to visit Francesco in his restaurant. In reality, for the two of us, being face to face is very easy. As I wrote, fate wanted Francesco to be in a certain sense 'close to me', or better, I made this premise because choosing and tasting a craft beer requires the right considerations, that he is a good neighbor of mine. Here the mystery is revealed. Neighbors who, despite their many commitments, have decided from time to time to meet and talk about each other, Perhaps, I add, accompanied by a good glass of wine and some specialties purchased during our travels. Small moments of life that make the relationships between the people who happen to live next door special.

It is customary to say that everything that happens to us makes sense. Personally, I firmly believe it. I am convinced that Francesco also believes in it.

Mbriana Pizza & Food – Via Marsala 14, Monza – www.mbrianamonza.it

73° Open d’Italia. Il fascino del Golf unito alla semplicità dello Street Food.

Open d’Italia – Golf Club Milano, Parco di Monza

Golf, a sport for everyone? Sono certa che molti risponderanno con un ‘NO’. For some, da ciò che mi è stato raccontato da chi Golf Club Milano lo pratica abitualmente, less elitist sport that in the past (non è più necessaria l’iscrizione ad un circolo). A discipline that requires silence, concentration and workout.

A sport to outdoor living, in particular care environments, that has always enchanted me for the beauty and peace that transmit. Atmosfere che ho vissuto al Golf Club Milano nel Parco di Monza, nell’ultima giornata dedicata a questa disciplina sportiva che annovera tra le sue fila sempre più appassionati.

four days, 47.000 audience, jackpot 500.000 euro, an Italian winner: the Golf Club Milano torinese Francesco Molinari. dizzying numbers, but must not confuse. Chi pratica il golf, spesso racconta che si è avvicinato per il bisogno di evadere stando soli con se stessi in mezzo alla natura. In this regard, its La Gazzetta dello Sport, ho letto alcune testimonianze molto interessanti.

Alessandro Del Piero, ex calciatore, It defines it as "una terapia, a moment for themselves, a necessary solitude.” Per Nigel Mansell, campione di Formula 1, “the only discipline where there is a kind of code of honor. Those who violate the rules, si autodenuncia chiamando un giudice e chiedendo che cosa dovrebbe fare.Mi ha fatto molto piacere leggere anche un’idea di Beppe Fiorello: “Ho un progetto importante che riguarda la Terra dei Fuochi: li ci sono terreni enormi non più coltivabili. Perché non trasformarli in campi da golf? Io mi farei portavoce e testimonial.” Who knows…Cerea Brothers - Ritorante Da Vittorio Brusaporto

What remains to be said… forse che, come nella vita, ognuno deve trovare il suo swing, the right move. Io l’ho cercato – also – walking and tasting some of the regional specialties of the various degustativi stand devoted to street food. La qualità dei prodotti e il coordinamento nell’organizzazione dei Fratelli Cerea del Ristorante “Da Vittorio”,  ne hanno determinato il successo.

In particularFried Pizza Masardona mi sono appagata gli occhi e le papille gustative seguendo la preparazione di una pizza, or better, of pizza fritta Masardona. Una prelibatezza dell’antica friggitoria “La Masardona” di Napoli, launched in 1945 dalla nonna di Vincenzo Piccirillo, titolare del locale.

I conclude by recalling an important event. In 2022 a Roma, presso il Marco Simone Golf & Country Club di Guidonia, si svolgerà la Ryder Cup. An international golf event followed by well 120 countries with the participation of European players and high-level American. Un’occasione di grande attrattiva da non trascurare, per la visibilità che darà al nostro paese e a questo sport sempre più amato.


73° Open d’Italia  

"If you do it do it well", Mantra of Ayrton Senna, a myth that will never die.

“L’ultima notte”, la mostra dedicata ad Ayrton Senna fino al 25 September Arengario of Monza.

Ayrton Senna Da Silva, Born in Sao Paulo on 21 March 1960. His life on the run was interrupted in Bologna on 1 'May 1994. A sensitive man, ma in pista deciso e determinato. The mind combined with the physical. FermeLast night.zza e impegno costante. Breathing, meditation and power, le tecniche dell’allenamento che il suo preparatore brasiliano, Nuno Cobra, established for him. An attitude that led to significant results in the years ahead. “Se lo fai fallo bene”, un insegnamento di suo padre Milton,  He became the motto of his life. A career that began racing karts, then on a car, and finally by 1984, in Formula 1.

  • 3 world titles : 1988 – 1990 – 1991
  • 65 Pole Positions
  • 41 victories
  • 161 Grand Prix
  • 80 pots
  • 87 Front row starts

A man whom I respect always, which he made partaker of his results on his people, in particular children. In November 1994 la sorella Viviane diede vita ad un’organizzazione no-profit , the’Istituto Ayrton Senna, to help needy people in Brazil through the use of trademarks related to its name.FullSizeRender

Qualcuno leggendo penserà sicuramente che sto uscendo dal mio abituale seminato. In fact the passion for engines and vintage cars always accompanies me. Follow this world of emotions and adrenaline, mi porta spesso a vivere questi ambienti. A few days ago, at the 'Arengario of Monza, ho visitato “L’ultima notte insieme”, una mostra dedicata ad Ayrton Senna allestita fino al 25 September.

Cento fotografie di Ercole Colombo, photographer among the best known of the Formula 1, ed alcuni oggetti del grande campione. Grazie ai testi di Giorgio Terruzzi, I rode so the milestones of his busy career. In particular I focused on reading his thoughts, I understand and agree.

Basic I make this profession as a passion, because I like it. From the moment I started, young, as a child, I had the opportunity to develop myself, Also in my personality, through a machine. I care a lot to keep my line more, my idea, my way of driving, inside the track and off the track. It 'very difficult, in many moments, because the pressures are so many and so many people will also want you to be different, to change, e invece per me è molto importante rimanere sempre la stessa persona e mantenere lo stesso modo di fare, e questo tante volte porta dei problemi, difficulty in relationships with people.

And finally we are there, as pilots, per correre per la passione, per la sfida, the passion to win and get victories. Are what are the other things, the right motivation is the victory. And for that I will always keep my line. Is right or wrong, along with different people, But it is my line, la mia maniera di essere, e ci tengo molto a continuare così per tutta la mia carriera.

sentiment, in people, It is the fuel of life. The love of a friend, for a woman, for a family member is the gasoline which all seek to have as motivation of life. So tears are a privilege today, among so many, because there are many who, in the conditions of our world today, very bad, They're not able to cry. And I feel very comfortable on this, perché sono abbastanza sensibile, e il sentimento è parte costante del mio giorno, della mia vita.” Ayrton Senna

A man who, despite the successes and the achievements, he never lost sight of the true essence of life. Uno dei miei miti.

www.institutoayrtonsenna.org.br    www.ultimanotte.com

“L’ultima notte” – Arengario Piazza Roma, Monza

Orari mostra:
– From Tuesday to Friday hours 15-19
– Sabato e domenica ore 10-20
– Monday closed

Fonte foto testata: http://jalopnik.com/tag/ayrton-senna


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