Thoughts and reflections remembering Food&Wine Festival e Identità Golose 2014 #MFWF14 # IGMI14

I confess it is a latecomer, maybe because I always do a thousand things. This time, however, it is not my fault. Let's say that the truth is that I start from here… you do not say so usually…?

In the last few weeks have been taken, as well as by a little’ of headaches (those never fail) of a trasloco, or better, from a migration. Let's say I gave it a dusting to blog.

Well, Now I start from here, telling you some of my impressions after my visit, sia pur breve, al Milano Food&Wine Festival in Identity and Greedy. Caution, consumer impressions are of a passionate and sometimes a little’ spaesata, who loves and lives in a personal way this sector.


Sarò breve. Del Food&Wine, the event created by Paolo Marchi and Helmut Locher what to say except that the great Italian wines and their producers pride in me besides me, satisfy your senses. Some, since I am very fond of small craft productions would love to see a section dedicated to them, provided that it has facilitated the entry.

Va bè, Cynthia nothing controversy… space there is something for everyone as to the events of the small vintners. I will not go into descriptions and lists, because the wine as I often say I love live in the vineyard where he was born, in the cellar where it matures, and finally, with who makes wise…

This festival is primarily a happy time for meetings, sharing and new sensory experiences. About, I was very pleased to see the presence of so many young people becoming more interested in learning about wine quality.


But now we come to the tenth edition of Identity Greedy, the International Congress of cooking and baking designed by Paul Marks. The theme this year was “A voracious intelligence”, understood as the ability of the chefs create dishes that are able to ensure the quality and not exaggerate the costs.

Despite the apparent flashes are experiencing a time of deep crisis that hit, more or less, all sectors of our economy. I found it very wise to propose a reduction of the excesses in the kitchen that do not allow more, to enjoy one of the greatest pleasures of life: food.

Regarding the chefs, say that, all excellent. In truth I would like to add also 'very respectable'. I recommend anything Cinzia controversy. 😉 Obbedisco a me stessa, but I would only say that the majority of cooks, as often happens, were male.

What are the most talented women? Mah, me for sure (I am better at eating than cooking), of colleagues but I have my doubts. Of course I only know that, since the issue was pointing to the ability to create quality dishes making ends meet, Who better than women, brave ones who know how to cook and eat not only, could be the best protagonists!

Va bè, said that all good! As always it was a pleasure to be present. These events are always excellent opportunities to continue to learn and to greet new and old friends always.


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