Meet Samuel Vergari, a blogger in pajamas!

Blog:  FoodWineBeer 

It has long been debate about the communication gap made between bloggers and journalists. An argument that is now chopped and ritritato two figures whose writings have a very different emotional. I insist that, whatever, both can help each communicating to them how the land and its productions. The key thing for me is consistency, which must be maintained to avoid the waves of convenience of the moment.

The passion that drove many bloggers in this direction, compresa me, has highlighted how digital communication can be of help in these difficult times that we are living. This does not tarnish in any way the figure of the journalist, that, professionally performs the same task to. It is not a race, never will be, being the very different form of communication.

I made this premise to introduce a blogger, or better, a Passion blogger I know and follow for a long time: Samuel Vergari, in arte ‘FoodWineBeer’.

Although the approach of Samuel is not my, in the sense that unlike him I love writing after living person of the territory and its actors, I respect his choice dictated by family needs at this time.

The world of bloggers is not always easy, I knew long ago, when, following the public relations and the content of a site about food and wine of which I was a partner, I wanted to know with a phone book that I had decided to call it 'Passion Blogger', the 'true fans', those with commitment and consistency transmit their passion through blogging (online diaries).

Even after leaving that role, for not sharing the positions, my project is not lost. In my own way, continuous giving visibility to those who believe can 'do well’ to disseminate knowledge of quality production.

Vergari Samuel was born into a family devoted to agriculture. The passion for wine producers of Sangiovese inherited from grandparents, has allowed him to appreciate over time to become a reference point for friends, for advice on the choice of wines. The turning point in the 2010, when, driven by the growing passion decide to start a blog. Much work to give shape, many steps and changes of direction, until the birth of 'FoodWineBeer'.  

A blog that aims more products, that producers. The reason soon revealed: Samuel is a real pantofolone, or better, a father of two small children that led him to make himself indispensable in the family. It 'so he writes his articles, often in pajamas on the couch, between the interruptions of his children and their micro dramas. Despite family commitments, the pleasure of writing about what tasted at home and in restaurants surrounding areas, prompted him to continue. Then, as soon as possible, on rest days, trips to Italy allowed him to expand his knowledge.

“Cynthia, the rewards are many, in particular that of being able to know, although in many cases only in a virtual, a lot of nice people from the world of wine and beer. Some, even in this world there are negative characters, people who promise and then not maintain, profiteers and boastful of all kinds…  I'm just a simple fan that behind has little theory and much practice. A man and a father who tells his experiences in pajamas on the couch at home ... Samuel Vergari”

I conclude with my thoughts. Noi blogger, much criticized but at the same time sought, I am convinced that we do something good. In our own way we try to convey that passion that has helped many of us to overcome the difficult moments of our lives.

Now I ask you: “Are they better than those that use this passion…?”

"# SocialGusto : the evolution of communication, and ... the mine "

“Le civiltà maggiori furono dettate da popoli che ebbero le cure più grandi nell’arte e nella scienza dell’alimento… “ da “La Cucina Italiana” N. 1 – ANNO I – 15 December 1929

How is my dear friend Giorgio Ferrari: “Italians are the sum of experiences in History. If you lose you go back to being confused that the common people have no voice. The kitchen becomes poor that wealth, wine farmers who becomes DOC.”

A quote that I fully agree, being fond of history convinced that, to move forward one step back should be done. I'm talking about the recovery of traditions, Cooking poor but rich in history, I speak of simplicity ...

It 'a difficult time for many, the gears of our economy are slowing overall. We must unite, but above all we must unite. We need people to believe in, people with real passion for the area, for its history and its people. Utopia, no, only true love for my country.

If each of us to take a step forward, in his own way, how can, I am sure we would end up meet. I'm a romantic in the broadest sense of the term, and launch my cry, my #TamTamxlaTerra, for those who believe like me, the future that we have under our feet ...

Forgive my outburst, but I can not do otherwise. Whenever I get the chance, my way, cheerfully, with my garish hats, with my smiles, with my river of words, I profess my faith to the earth.

I was presented with the opportunity to Social Gusto, the event coordinated by the gentle Silvia Giovannini, held in the magnificent Este gardens of Varese.

Featuring the cuisine of Italian quality closer to the people, but not only. The space reserved for the cultural offer has allowed journalists and bloggers, to expose their experiences and their thoughts, in the evolution of communication on the subject of food and wine.

I had the pleasure of being at the table with:

  • Anna Prandoni, Director of Italian Cooking, the most important cooking magazine in Italy founded in 1929
  • Laura Pantaleo Lucchetti, food bloggers like me who collaborated with Green Cabbage, weekly online food&wine
  • Rosy Battle, journalist expert in social media and "lack of food blogger"
  • Samanta Abalush Cornaviera, housewife 2.0
  • Eugenio Peralta, foodblogger creator of the blog The man is a Locust
  • Jenny Maggioni, blogger

Simple people who I got to appreciate, driven by a passion for food and for the recovery of traditions, but with an eye to the network and its great potential for the promotion of the territory and its productions.

In my speech I told him how, almost three years ago, I started my adventure that is literally sweeping me now, ma che mi piace tanto. Non faccio un mistero sul cambiamento che la mia vita ha avuto improvvisamente. After an initial loss I raised reinvesting in the passions of all time, land, l’agricoltura, wine, and history of the people.  Da ragazzina sono cresciuta tra le vigne nelle campagne trevigiane… la terra lascia il segno, in time, and souls.

I created a group on Facebook, Le Vigne-support. I shared links related to the traditions, dialects, al cibo, couples to wine. Someone noticed this woman noisy. One day I was suggested to read an interview with a winemaker of Aosta. I was moved so much that I went there to meet you. When I learned that he had not the means to the label in the back of his bottle of wine, I wanted to tell the story of the vineyard.

I brought it to him after it printed, because I wanted that might give together with the sale of its wine. Someone has accessed, and asked me to write. My story now continues here on the blog and on Green Cabbage, although I have a dream, to live in the countryside and work in agriculture. I often say to myself,: “Cynthia, feet on the ground, and remember why you started.” I am learning and will continue to do so, because in the end you never stop ...

Among my many passions, there is also that of digital communication. Twitto, photographer, launch on social ... a real plague! 😉 Metto in rete tutto quello in cui credo e che mi piace, to share my moments of happiness, convinced of the importance of communication and food and wine of the region through the web.

But one thing I am firmly convinced,  i social che abbiamo l’opportunità di utilizzare devono unire, and not replace direct knowledge, experience needed to know the reality, and their products. Do not stop at the windows ...

Italy needs competitiveness # # # accessibility #servizi #accoglienza #appartenenza network ... but above all he needs to go back to believing!

I often say that now the only thing that's left is the concrete land. We are one of the most beautiful countries in the world! We have a great history, great artistic, great culinary excellence, great traditions! In short, we all papers in order, but I ask: “We can better giocarcele?”

After my recent visit to the Bit, the International Tourism Exchange, after hearing the good speakers exhibit solutions and marketing strategies absolutely essential for the promotion of the territory, I asked myself a few thoughts that I want to stop here.

As is my habit I want to start from the beginning, the birth of tourism.

For information purposes, the first travel agency was opened in London in 1841 da Thomas Cook, thanks to the impetus given to rail and maritime transport nineteenth century who made it possible in the short term movements. Travelling was no longer a luxury for the elite. In this regard I quote the AArticle 7 the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism which enshrines this right:

La possibilità di accedere direttamente e personalmente alla scoperta ed al godimento delle ricchezze del pianeta rappresenta un diritto di cui tutti gli abitanti del mondo devono poter usufruire in modo paritario; the increasingly extensive participation in national and international tourism will be considered as one of the best possible expressions of the steady increase in leisure time and shall not be impaired in any way. "

Exactly so, Tourism is a right, but for many it is no longer! Traveling in Italy it costs too much! The exterior is much more competitive.This is the simple answer people's. And 'critical thinking. Not only marketing strategies, but concrete investments and determining its revival. Below I will analyze a few points that I consider essential in this regard.

  • Competitiveness

Last year I went alone to September for Sardinia convinced to find competitive prices given the period, but I had to think again. “Leaving alone is not an advantage"So I was told. Ma eats? We are a country of singles and we are not yet organized in such a way! Anyway, single o non single, the prices of the packages are not competitive in Italy and abroad. Let's think ...

  • Accessibility

Eighty million disabled people in Europe, 650 million worldwide. I reiterate that tourism is a right for all. And 'fundamental comply with the accessible tourism services that make a reality. This year in International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the European Commission has recognized the prize in Berlin “Access city Award”. Unfortunately no Italian city was notable in this regard. Some friends at the return of a trip to California have told me that that, buses, have the input level of the sidewalk for allow people to move a wheel chair with easy access. This system has been adopted in some Italian provinces but is not yet sufficiently extended. Reflect…

  • Service

Friends, with regard to services is all a say. I'll tell you my experience last year in Quartu Sant'Elena, in provincia di Cagliari. A sea breathtakingly, living tract after tract; pity that not having the car with me was counting on public transport which I found to be woefully inadequate. I was furious to say the least; I still remember my outburst on twitter: “In front of me a wonderful sea, behind me services that will leave you speechless, rather, there would!” I set out but even so yet another problem! There were no sidewalks so it will cycle paths to make risky continuation walk. Obviously there is the case and the case, but there is no doubt that the transport network should be improved and enhanced, possibly by means of innovative and sustainable. I was given another experience from California where, alongside the many bike-rental outlets, Buses depart continuously prepared, inter alia, the transport of two-wheeled vehicles, so as to make easily accessible the visit of long stretches of territory. Let's think ...

  • Welcome

As is customary to say "hospitality is a sign of civilization"And not only… and here I stop.

  • Membership

As I wrote a few days ago : “I'm a traveler, an 'Italian proud of her country visit, search, and like, but especially loves to talk with people, my best guide!” Remember 17 March 2011, I was traveling. It celebrated the 150'Anniversary of the Unification of Italy. On the way I stopped at a friend's restaurant to eat and I realized that there were no signs at the entrance of celebration. I went in and after the usual greetings I said: “But if you put out the flag in my car…?” Lei ovviamente accettò. Membership is an important signal for tourism. Reflect…

  • Network

The Internet is a global network; we have a tool with which in a moment millions of computers connect to each other. Promote the area on the net is a great opportunity that we must all make the most of. Each of us can do it in his own way, even with a photo of pills with informative. Le recensioni delle persone sono una grande opportunità per promuovere il territorio italiano e le sue tipicità. Invest in the network is critical!

I want to conclude these reflections with the’Art. 1 of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism:

Tourism as a tool for understanding and mutual respect between peoples and societies "
The understanding and the promotion of ethical values ​​common to humanity, in a spirit of tolerance and respect for diversity of religious beliefs, Philosophical and moral, represent the foundation and the consequence of responsible tourism; the actors of the tourism industry and tourists themselves will respect the traditions and social and cultural practices of all peoples, including those of minorities and indigenous peoples, and they recognize the value.

When will we learn to make tourism… but tourism seriously!

"My path to holistic ... Olio Officina Food Festival 2013 '

These were intense days spent in those Olio Officina Food Festival. Days of knowledge,  di culture, of art, music, dances, meetings and… from the many smiles!

But I want to tell you better ...

With the inauguration of the festival last Thursday 24 January, as they say you are open dances. "Paese d'honor 2013″ l’India, both as a consumer of oil, both as a country farmer of olive groves for the production of oil. This attention to olive oil comes from the fact that India is the first country in the world to incidence of cardiovascular disease. Are well-known factors that influence in this sense these pathologies: arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, smoke, diabetes, obesity and physical inactivity. Two tablespoons of olive oil are an effective quality medical facility to counter these diseases.

This edition of Oil Workshop was devoted to women, looking at the female side of the oil. About intervened Rosalia Knights, Professor of Semiotics and Theory of sign language studies at the University of Messina, emphasizing how the biology attests to the greater olfactory sensitivity female. We must relearn to sniff. Our mind is now tainted by the images that we often incorrectly condition. Go over, sniffing and not judging only on the outer…

"Distracted by a mentality visual-acoustic, We have relegated the smell of the senses 'minor'. Rosalia Knights "

Many women oil, but not only that ... I had the pleasure of seeing the dear Laura Turri I met recently visiting his oil mill in Cavaion Veronese, Gabriella Stansfield President of Women Oil, Mary Adelaide of Bertacco 'The. Agr. Hills of Marostica, Dawn of Guarini Masseria Patches Galleys (BR), the lovely Paola Fioravanti President of 'Mediterranean Union Oil Tasters and Maria Elena President of Curtius'National Association of Cooks at home.

 A meeting in particular I was very excited ... A friend and a woman whom I respect for the depth of the thoughts, and I've had the honor of reading the intimacy of our private deeds. Lei è Alessandra Paolini's Agricultural Society Doria (CS), Woman oil.

I do not have a mill company ... I make enormous sacrifices to talk to my mill so follow my disciplinary, My times, le mie convinzioni… faccio chilometri nella campagna olearia e me ne vado a molire molto lontano dalla mia azienda con costi umani ed economici notevoli, in nome della qualità che io volevo… Io il mio mondo lo vorrei in una zolla…Alessandra Paolini

Reunite Jeanne Perego, the insalatologa for excellence, it was a real pleasure. I love salads, those rich, with many ingredients and seasonings, more than outline, real main dishes rich in vitamins! His new book tells well 365, a day throughout the year and for all tastes!

He had reached the turn of Antonella and Viviana Varese. Due sorelle, due chef, and two dear friends ...! The theme of their intervention was developed on the right choice of oil for cooking fish from the lake and sea. Two sisters restorative: “Antonella with his house in Manerba del Garda Dahlias and Beans gestito along with fellow chef and Fabio Mazzolini, and Viviana with her "Alice's Restaurant” a Milano”.

Finished the intervention of Antonella and Viviana, a feeling of stomach hole made us realize that it was time for lunch. Just enough time to call a taxi and we were in a sprint from "Alice" restaurant Viviana Varese. In the intimacy of a small room underground had lunch between confidence and smiles like a long time we could not do for the mutual commitments. Once finished, ready to return to the festival, Viviana stopped me and told me: "Look at 'back here!” Sono scoppiata a ridere quando ho letto alcune frasi umoristiche sul retro della porta della cucina. Un click e… via!

Speakers of the issue relating to the oil Guides, l 'oleologo Nicola Perrucci and Maestrod'olio Fausto Borella. Recentemente ho fatto a Fausto un’intervista con domande semplici per risposte semplici, I like it. We carry a:

  • I quote a statement heard in your speech that I fully agree: "The farmer's oil supply chain cost him at least ten euro per liter. An olive oil that costs three euro is not an extra virgin olive oil, but only a lie to the consumer ". At this point I ask: But an oil with this cost as obtained?

Through sailing ship oil to the best Italian ports. Or through an uncontrolled oil is not certified South invading the Italian regions to the Alps.

The advice from the consumer Fausto redirected towards a conscious choice of an olive oil quality, is trying to choose one of the 44 Italian DOP which has a cost of about € 6-8 for 50 cl.

Another meeting was happy with the sympathetic Elia Fiorillo, President of Ceq, Consortium to guarantee the quality of extra virgin olive oil. Elijah explained to me that this non-profit organization, is open to all operators in the olive, producers, packers and distributors to promote and revive the chain Italian olive oil quality.

It was the time of the last goodbyes ... I had the pleasure to meet in person Maximum Occhinegro Marketing expert, with which a few days before floundering on the web and oil quality. I re-embraced Fausto Delegà, intervened on the sweet synergy between oils, have, api e ulivi. With Gianpiero Rorato, journalist and writer of Motta di Livenza (TV), I recalled my home country I carry in my heart. Last but not least, I said goodbye to my great friend Ancona Richard Pilesi, Marketing food & wine.

It was my turn ... It was up to me, and to Laura Pantaleo Lucchetti intervene. The theme: "The food will free your mind". Ready, via!

I remember that, when Louis a few months ago he asked me to intervene on olive oil seen by the consumer of the food web and the communication I said to myself: "Beautiful challenge!"Challenge that I took a lot of effort with reading texts, probing against people, and visiting OLEIFICIO ...

And 'well known how little there is in Italian culture in the world oil, rather, in the world oil, since we actually over 530 cultivate, but we still call the oil in the singular.  La gente conosce l’olio d’oliva, not according to the area of ​​origin and the cultivar, but according to the manufacturer's name. Why not put in plain sight some more information on the origin?!

The truth is that, Who can if the power of attorney by relatives or friends directly in the places of production, while for those who procures at large retailers the choice falls on or offered for olive oil for cooking, or the most well known brands for use in raw. Some make no mistake they told me that they buy the oil with the highest price. This will never be a conscious choice ... ?!

That said, I promised myself to take advantage of my speech to make very specific requests that help people towards a more informed choice of olive oil:

  • For Communicators I ask more simplicity in the words. Often insist on this concept because the important thing is to do good culture of the earth with simple words, to reach people. People still call the olive oil quality, "The good oil". The term "extra virgin olive oil" now so used, to most people is still unknown (evo: andxtra inergine d’theiron).
  • To Olivicoltori I ask you to organize more events degustativi to tell people their own oil. As said Veronelli: “The oil like wine. The olive tree as the vine."In addition to" Open Cellars "why do not you do ..." Oil Mills open ".
  • At Wine ask you to create an angle for a “oleoteca” allowing the oil tasting.
  • For Restaurateurs I ask you to tell the olive oils that are brought to the table just as you would for wine, just ask the manufacturers data sheets, or even better, train workers in boardroom with oil taster courses.
  • But I ask something also consumers. To be more curious to try the oils, we have so many varieties. When in doubt, as I said to prefer Dop. But when you're on vacation take advantage to visit a farm that reality will make you much more aware about the product they consume.

Finally, I can not stress the importance of promotion of the territory and its products through the network. This, however, does not obviate the fact that the direct knowledge of the manufacturer and its products is irreplaceable tool… least, for them as I live ...


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