Street Food on the road: cibo, volti, vite e territorio.

The recipe: Risotto al melone mantecato con curcuma e avocado.

Street Food on the road, il cibo da passaggio itinerante che, grazie a moderni e tecnologici Ape Car e Food Truck, viaggia comunicando territori, tipicità regionali, storia e tradizioni. Dopo la tappa a Boario Terme, the 27 and the 28 Giugno il viaggio è proseguito verso la Galleria ISO Rivolta a Bresso, in the province of Milan.

Protagonisti volti, vite e territorio che, attraverso il cibo, hanno permesso in un ambiente conviviale di socializzare e conoscere nuovi sapori. Musica dal vivo, Dj set, cooking show, street art e molto altro, continueranno ad animare la Galleria ISO Rivolta durante tutti i weekend di Luglio. Il benvenuto alla manifestazione è stato dato dal sindaco di Bresso Ugo Vecchiarelli, e dall’assessore alla cultura Antonella Ferrari.

Come di consueto, quando partecipo a questi eventi, mi avvicino alle produzioni attraverso la conoscenza delle persone. Comunicare le loro esperienze e le difficoltà che affrontano, It is a warning and training for those who want to take the same path in the field of enogastronomy. Attività che molto spesso nascono da seconde vite, da vere svolte dettate dalla passione e dalla voglia di fare. Qui di seguito qualche esempio.

Tra i tanti artigiani del gusto con cui ho chiacchierato tra assaggi e racconti di territorio, ho conosciuto Michela e Danilo di Zafferanoinstrada. Lei addetta di sala, lui tassista. Il destino ha voluto che fossero vicini di casa di Zafferanamy, an agricultural project and business born from the desire of a group of young people to promote the cultivation of saffron in Brianza.

Since last April they have launched a new challenge by purchasing food a track that has become the protagonist of their preparations saffron. Il loro lavoro è itinerante, le loro proposte sono, oltre al classico risotto, la crema pasticciera con fragole, la panna cotta al caramello, and cremino milk. Of course all made with saffron! 😉

Volete un altro esempio? I'll settle now presenting Antonella and Piero, modenese lei e mantovano lui. Antonella, nata stilista di moda, over time, grazie alla passione per la cucina è diventata una brava cuoca. Con l’aiuto del marito, in precedenza occupato nel settore dell’elettronica, He shifted its activity transforming a caravan in a food truck vintage: Amarcord Gusto.

Da loro ho assaggiato un connubio tra sapori tradizionali di Modena e di Mantova: i tortelli di zucca conditi in parte con burro e salvia, and partly with aged balsamic vinegar of their production 15 years in oak barrels. Deliziosi!

L’ascolto di queste e di tante altre storie di vita ha fatto si che il mio tempo passato a Street Food on the road sia stato molto speciale. Aggregazione, socialization, convivialità, storie e assaggi: the beautiful life that I like! But not only ... microphone in hand I followed the preparation of risotto to cook melon Rodante, Roberto Dante Vincenzi. A first course simple and summery bright colors!

Durante l’esecuzione, together, abbiamo parlato di materie prime di qualità, fondamentali per il buon esito di qualsivoglia preparazione. For example: un errore a mio parere è quello di usare un buon olio extra vergine di oliva per condire, e uno di qualità inferiore per cucinare. Medesima cosa per il vino. So che è pratica molto diffusa, adopted even by chefs to cut costs. Non condivido! Poco ma buono senza sprechi e senza eccedere nelle dosi si può! Fatelo per lo meno a casa vostra, dove il gusto lo decidete voi.

About, ora devo mantenere una promessa che ho fatto alle signore e ai signori presenti in sala: condividere la ricetta del risotto che mi ha scritto per voi il cuoco RoDante.

Risotto al melone mantecato con curcuma e avocado

A cheerful and colorful risotto, fresh in taste and lightness!

 I need:
  • 320 grammi di riso Carnaroli di qualità.
  • Shallot finely chopped.
  • 3 cucchiai di olio extravergine di oliva italiano.Risotto al melone, stimmi di zafferano, curcuma e avocado
  • A glass of white wine ... good, His!
  • Light vegetable broth.
  • Un avocado maturo e morbido.
  • 1/2 melone giallo tagliato a cubettini piccoli piccoli, diced short.
  • Two teaspoons of turmeric.
  • 100 grammi di grana padano grattugiato.
In un tegame preparo il brodo vegetale con alcuni pezzi di sedano, carota, onion, e se l’avete anche zucchina. Faccio bollire almeno mezz’ora; se avete fretta tritate le verdure e in 10 minutes the broth is ready… quindi filtratelo!
Meanwhile, in a saucepan I flavor the shallot in oil ... flavor and browning, I recommend! Aggiungo il riso e sempre a fuoco dolce lo faccio tostare. A questo punto aggiungo il mezzo bicchiere di vino che faccio sfumare e ritirare; inizio a cuocere il riso aggiungendo del brodo che me lo mantenga sempre coperto a filo… un giro ogni tanto, but no ravanamento!
After 5 minutes add the turmeric and begin to enjoy the beautiful yellow color almost antique gold!
Since the start of the cooking, that is, when I add the broth, for 15 minute bake, add the broth, bake it again, a ride occasionally, low heat… deve fremere non bollire violentemente… Al 15 th minute turn off the gas, aggiungo l’avocado che ho pelato, pulito e frullato. Seguo con il grana, se serve eventualmente aggiungo un mestolino di brodo e faccio mantecare girando con energia per un minuto.
Ora tocca al melone a dadini: must blend and bake! Un minuto e servire, creamy and fragrant, wave as always a good risotto should be!


StreetFood On The Road®, the traditional food for a walk

In October 2012, here on the blog, after a chat with the owners  del Burger Bar in Milano At the Market I wrote: “Street Food, literally translated street food. In the past a common habit, practice abroad, lately in Italy evaluated with the use of an English terminology. Let's face it, so calling it a sense of modernity that would not otherwise have, but the bottom line is that these are typical of the local food that is consumed while walking or on a bench,  more economically, experiencing more territory. "

Two years have passed since that meeting. The crisis that we are experiencing unfortunately penalizes choices of taste that once we could afford more lightly. Well, now more than ever street food, or whatever you want to call it, allows us to get closer to experiences with the food of tradition without upsetting our finances. A food that meets people's needs, keeping alive the tradition of the territories and local production. It is the guarantor and promoter of the most anticipated event: EXPO 2015.

In Exhibition Park Novegro, the 12 13 and 14 September there was the Street Food Days, three days dedicated to street food quality and its protagonists. Food but also music and cultural insights. Very interesting days which gave me the opportunity to study topics of personal interest.

With Sergio Battimiello XCom Cross Media Agency, Donato Ancient Butcher Turba Turba, Thomas Farina food journalist and artist Davide Foschi

Sergio Battimiello XCom Cross Media Agency, Donato Ancient Butcher Turba Turba, Thomas Farina journalist and artist Davide Foschi

Interesting the intervention of Donato Turba, dell’Old Butcher Turba Melzo. Plauso when the lui, speaking of workshops, reiterated the importance for all of us to live the neighborhood stores that guarantee the quality and professionalism.

Donato, come me, is a simple kitchen without too much manipulation of the raw materials, because, as pointed out by, when the product is good it does not need too many reworkings. There was also talk of agriculture, respect for the animal, and protection of small farmers through the consumption of their products. Concepts on which I insist, and that I fully agree.

Donato Turba Turba Ancient Butcher with Tommaso Farina

Donato Turba Turba Ancient Butcher with Thomas Farina

Very exciting space in which, David Lacey proprietor of the restaurant in Milan 'The Malmaison’, has captured the attention of the public with advice and insights on the proper way to eat crustaceans and molluscs. Speech that soon delve further.

David Lacey, proprietor of the restaurant in Milan 'La Malmaison'

David Lacey, proprietor of the restaurant in Milan 'La Malmaison’

I conclude with a proposal for a micro-enterprise that I liked very much, and I would like to share more because in my opinion is a true expression of the application of street food. I refer to the bee-car gastronomic. A real job opportunities.

Stefano Lanati, Cristian De Carolis and Lorenzo Regiroli, with their present hamburgheria Mobile on social networks, l 'Ape Tizer, gave birth to Assago, in the province of Milan, the project The Different Burger. A hamburger cooked at low temperature (about 60 °) so to preserve the nutritional and organoleptic.

A means low-power mobile (6Kw in order to operate all the equipment) designed, both from the aesthetic point of view that functional, from international designer Andreas Varostos of Inarea, who took care of all the details. For those who want to take this path, as regards the part bureaucratic, even here the simplicity reigns. Anyway, you can get information at the office of its common trade.

Ape Tizer

Ape Tizer

Alcuni momenti a StreetFood On The Road

Street Food ... "take a step back to go forward"

Street Food, literally translated street food. In the past a common habit, practice abroad, lately in Italy evaluated with the use of an English terminology. Let's face it, so calling it a sense of modernity that would not otherwise have, but the bottom line is that these are typical of the local food that is consumed while walking or on a bench,  more economically, experiencing more territory.

Only a few days ago I was talking with Beniamino Nespor, along with owner Eugenio Roncoroni  Restaurant and Burger Bar in Milan,  “At the Market.

Two young ventinovenni I met thanks to Francesco Ottaviani, a doctor with whom I often exchange opinions and experiences. Knowing me told me: “You have to go! Those guys love the warmth that people look for in!"Some call it madness, I only say that I am wary of normality. I love the creative minds with that bit of madness that allows you dare.

Upon my arrival, I hit the outer part of the local, I would say almost anonymous ... No sign of restaurant, only a few chairs outside and an indication of the Burger Bar. Then, entering, l’atmosfera è cambiata…  The small and friendly ambience and the choice of making visible the work in the kitchen put me immediately at ease. She accepted the kind Benjamin, with whom I immediately started chatting ...

  • Pet, when Francis told me about you and your local with a lot of enthusiasm, knowing your young age, I was immediately intrigued. How did your friendship and your partnership subsequently?

We met for the first time in junior high, but then we lost touch. Three years ago a mutual friend put us in touch because he knew of our intentions to open a restaurant. After we visited again for a while ', we decided to take the project forward, "Al Mercato".

  • “At the Market”, because the choice of the name?

It 'was the first name that immediately put us agree, and in any case reflected our idea to create a point type market, where you see what you eat while it is being cooked. One thing very common in Asian markets.

  • No sign outside indicates the presence of your restaurant. What motivates this choice?

The signs are not necessary, we love it so, only with our logo in red neon. We've never done advertising of any kind because we rely much more on word of mouth. I also find that gives a good feeling to pass before this anonymous place outside, seeing this great kitchen, people who eat, those in the queue…

  • Tell me what kind of food do?

On the restaurant do international cuisine to Italian base. We like to mix ingredients from around the world, ideas we are thinking about our travel, but using the bases and techniques of Italian cooking. We also try to keep the very concept of Italian antipasto, first, and second. At Hamburger bars we love to offer burgers and other street food world, obviously using the techniques of the restaurant. This gives us the opportunity to always offer a quality product.

  • “Street Food”, What made you decide to follow this path also?

The street food is the passion of every foodie. And US, well as the cooks, We also foodie. We love to go around eating in the worst dives of the world, eating on the street, in piedi,  random things ... In short, try out new experiences. The street food is what makes us understand how it is that a country. The experience of eating with your hands then, is totally different from the one made using cutlery.

  • Pet, when you asked me what I wanted to eat I replied: “Take me what you would eat at this time”.  Friends, I've brought a mega sandwich proved very good.  Having said so obviously does not capture it. Me I want to tell?

You ate our burgers made in the preferred manner I. The hamburger "At the Market"It is our interpretation of the classic American street food.

We use the meat from an organic farm, from the tritiamo 2 to 6 times a day, prepare the vegetables every day, the onion jam we do the, Pickled cucumbers we do them, puree sauce, and the bread we designed together with our baker ... Then there are all the various additions to suit every palate.

He who lives without folly, is not so wise as he thinks.

François de La Rochefoucauld


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