My first time to ... “ViniVeri and Vinitaly 2013 "

They were events of "large numbers" that I will not be here to list, because I am certain, that the numbers ... I would end up giving them!

These were days of intense, Days of Wine and Vintners events aimed at the promotion and knowledge of the great typical Italian that make us famous in the world. Storefronts that have to be seen to "correct doses" to savor all aspects and wealth.

But now I ask you: “Enterprise will never be possible in these contexts?"What I know for sure is that, after having spent two days up and down talking on patrol, looking, but especially walking (ouch my feet ...) I am ready to draw up a "bugiardino, ma… diVino!”

Advice, dosage, modalità d’uso e… effetti indesiderati delle Fiere di Vino 😉

I state that I have not mentioned “VinNatur” not only because this year I managed to go.  One thing I just do not understand, since we are talking about natural wines, is the reason why these wonderful initiatives with a common denominator are not organized in a single context. This would prevent visitors to fans like me, to do a tour in stages exhausting to say the least! Ehhh… sighs that I do!

That said, back to my leaflet Fairs Wine:

  • Advice: Friends, my advice is to have a clear idea on the stands on which to linger after reading the program; in otherwise, saw the numbers of admissions, you are likely to get lost in virtually!
  • Dosage: The doses administered fairs…? Basically after a day of "administration" my ears were destroyed. 🙁 I miei amici produttori, felt their return, have planned a relaxing weekend in a cabin in the mountains without telephone connections… 😉
  • How to use: Ridiculed as usual, but also in exhibitions both in the confusion while there are always some interesting, always grasp them know pausing to talk with "proven producers".
  • Side effects: Daze, sore feet, but always with a smile ..., because every time you are going home richer in knowledge and ideas to think about ...

That said, pronti your!

1′ Stage:   "ViniVeri 2013" – Tenth edition of the historical review of the natural producers in Ceredigion (VR)

I often say that I feel “Peasant” for the love and peace that gives me the earth ...

“As farmers we must never tire of being custodians of Environment and everything that composes, because it is always dominated by the desire for possession, is a place of conquest, occasion of exploitation ... We Peasants Veri competes the duty not to forget that biodiversity, any living form needs, if it belongs to the world animal and vegetable, it is itself the source of life. Giampiero Bea, President Consortium ViniVeri”

This is the thinking of the participants present, wine producers but not only ... Friends I happily revised and re-embraced.

2'Stage: "Vinitaly 2013" – International Wine and Spirits Exhibition in Verona

Vinitaly they say of each, those who love and those who hate him. Personally I had never been, a little 'out of fear of the confusion that I do not love, and a little 'because as I often say, I love to live productive realities directly "field"Together with the producers. Ciò non toglie il massimo rispetto per questa manifestazione regina incontrastata del panorama enologico internazionale. Sollecitata dalla presenza di molti vignaioli che negli ultimi tempi ho avuto il piacere di conoscere, I decided only at the last minute to participate.

My impressions? I'll reply with adjectives: majestic, imposing, immense, chaotic ... whatever, important hub of trade and a starting point for socket contacts. I have not changed my way of seeing things, but I admit that I liked the size of the event.

At the conclusion of these beautiful, albeit intense and tiring days around fairs, with my reckless driver, a winemaker outstanding Terra di Franciacorta, Monzio Compagnoni, we have “vinosamente” celebrated in a nice restaurant!

Raise your glasses and ... Health drinkers of passion! 🙂



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