"A # TamTamxlaTerra, for those who believe that the future will have under his feet ... "

Come scrive Wikipedia:  "The tam-tam is a type of drum used by some African peoples as a means of distance communication to spread a message from village to village. Metaphorically, the spread of information through word of mouth. "

Good, is a few days that my way, to create synergies, I launched a hashtag su twitter, for the more a slogan to unite and make known manufacturers; Italian producers who meet and I will meet in my wanderings on social media and especially ... in person floor plan. It's time to say ENOUGH to selfishness, and forward to shake hands! States can still! Scatter benefits no one. It must start mainly from “People”, then with good projects, you can go far…

The script that I set out below is the outburst of a friend, a producer of olive oil in the region of Calabria. Italy EMPTY of which he speaks are convinced that we can still fill ... I meet so many people, people especially need back to believe in someone who unite them, and in which they can have confidence! Italian Force! I want a #TamTamxla Terra!

 "Those who kill by the exploitation, the hypocrisy or the indifference of the rural world is erasing the future ".

Alessandra Paolini

Do not ask yourself what you are doing…

Do not ask yourself who is cultivating the corn on which you will furbish dissertations gastronomic, who prunes the oranges that spremerete for the most innovative cocktails, who is bent to tie the top of the peaches, who cutter, who fertilizes, send chi…

This world does not belong to you is in the margin where your greed has secluded, you turn around like hyenas never satisfied until you'll have to turn around in search of other carcasses, your! For whoever kills with exploitation, with hypocrisy or indifference with the rural world is erasing the future. Do not ask yourself what you are doing…

And now here is my little provocation, the pebble that launch, concrete S.O.S. a nave amica:

We denounce!

But we denounce zeroing in on these disgusting swamps in which the peasant culture or say the agro-business is sinking!

Raccontiamola the story of a prototype of FIGURE (Use the male because the term is such, but I have just bumped into a figure) who believes that feeds the chickens-can crush them as you think; a powder’ maybe not to those of the category that squeeze grapes, It is seen that the above is proud to be the holder of a wine, but a wretched old wine shop for drunkards would not be worthy to take the reins!

And raccontiamolo of these fringes or perhaps they are something far more substantial? They want quality at price zero to twelve months cashable, as the offering you give to spurgarti from sins! Italy is in crisis? NO! Italy will seek the crisis that has not yet fully reached, the proof is the existence and the economic livelihood of Italians who can not do their job, but, unfortunately, still continue to work to the detriment and expense of those who work well with such difficulty, and also to improve test!

As long as there is the GDO (large-scale distribution) who does not understand a heck of what sells and the idiot who spends 300 Euros for dinner but then pidocchia the pound of citrus, until there is the lady in mink asking why a kilo of peaches costs so much, until there is a restaurateur whose employees are paid to tip more than it costs them a bottle of oil, but the latter you only pay if you damage to remind him that the bill gave the previous year, until all that exists and proliferates, Italy will remain the landfill that has become, because men who live like those who govern do not want to understand anything and invest on the symbols and the waving of flags (green as the money) even if they do not really know whether they are profitable.

But Italy is not in crisis, Italy is EMPTY, il ché è ben diverso, la crisi, anche quella economica, presuppone dal mio canto una capacità introspettiva per cogliere ed elaborare al meglio la presenza di uno stato di crisi, di contro, the vacuum can try and test a fridge Class E, just like we Italians, cold, empty and foolish and greedy consumers!


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