Fu così che nacquero “Le donne di Maggio”

Written by CinziaTosini

I often say that my second life is really fantastic, and not just for the things I'm doing. The large meetings that I have the good fortune to have, emotions that are true no longer be able to take me away ...

But now I want to tell you how they were born Women May ...

During dinner, an event that I had organized in Pavia, I was sitting next to a woman who was organizing fashion shows for fun.  E 'common knowledge for many that I love clothes, I am a woman with bows and hats ... lace and silk organza ...! I love the elegance of the good times! If you invent a time machine I fionderei in the 60s, when femininity was enhanced by clothing and accessories. You will say ... and then? So I say to you that even though I sometimes hear people say: "Cynthia, but where you have to go dressed like that ?!”, I like it so much that I do the same! 

But back to the famous night dinner ...

As soon as I heard about the parade, I proposed to organize it now embarking on a wine tasting. We felt with stakeholders days after, and we fixed a date. It was decided that the event would take place in May. May, the month when the roses bloom like women taking charge of their life reborn .... It was this thought, I snapped a spring!

Exactly ... so I organized a party for women in renaissance, women like me, which call into play with courage after passing the events to which you refer the life. The events that you bend, and that changes your perspective on things making it more profound and meaningful.

Women getting up that invest in their passions. Women who join hands in a circle as the internal energy that develops from them strength and courage, but above all allows them to help each other not to feel more alone.

It was then that I decided that in the evening the stars were women: Women May.



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I think we can save the Earth, if we can save her.

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