Meat dishes & Fish

Mussels arraganate to Taranto

Written by CinziaTosini

Recipe: “Mussels arraganate to Taranto”

Over time I learned to experience the cities you visit walking slowly, day and night, looking at the views of the hidden, and the moments of real life…

A few nights ago, in the beautiful and picturesque Taranto, I watched the fishermen employed in the shuffle of their boat. I listened to them while cheerfully exchanged jokes with each other. To tell the truth I knew a little something, Read a little ... at least I think 'here what they were saying:

“Catà, quann’u marit arriv’a quarantina, lass’a mugghier e s’n ve a cantina, quann’a mugghier arriv’a quanrant’ann lass’u marit e s’pigghi’a Giuann.”

I translated it means: “Cataldo, when her husband arrives at forty neglects his wife and goes to the cellar, then his wife at forty you just have to be a ... John”. La saggezza popolare eh😉

Every time I stop to watch, I think fra me and me, what I want to live for one night the real life of the fishermen on a fishing boat. Sooner or later I'm sure I'll do it. This is now my life, the beautiful life that I have stolen my heart…

For now I'm happy to sample their catch. Here I report a very simple recipe that I tasted typical Tarantino Restaurant in Old Bridge, a beautiful night with a unique atmosphere ...

Mussels arraganate to Taranto

Start by telling you that "arraganate" mean in Taranto “gratinate”.

Therefore, purchased mussels, I'd take it to cars because I love them!  I recommend, however, they are beautiful fresh!

Once you open them to clean raw, predisponetele and a half shell on a baking tray.

Then prepare the dough for the filling, mixing well in bread crumbs with olive oil, in this case Pugliese, and it's good I recommend! Unirea's pepe, parsley, and pecorino cheese to taste (no sale).

Once mixed well together filled with mussels, and move the pan in the oven for 10 minutes of a 220 degrees.

La mia amica Maria Palumbo, tarantina DOC, recommended as an alternative, for those who love to feel the full flavor of the mussels, not to add the cheese ... Tastes are tastes! 🙂

I I tasted with the cheese ... I assure you, a treat!

The Production of Black Mussels Tarantine is the oldest and largest in the world.

The Tarantini implanted, and consequently taught to most of the world the cultivation of mussels. Those of Taranto, recognized also for the shape, have now become saltier because it is grown in the Great Sea. In fact, the Vera Cozza Taranto is that of the Mar Piccolo, area currently impractical for pollution. (cit. Mimmo Modarelli)


Ponte Vecchio Restaurant

Piazza Fontana, 61, Taranto



What does the Author


I think we can save the Earth, if we can save her.


  • First of all I thank you from Taranto. Regarding Mussels arraganate we like to add also garlic tritatissimo, indeed grated, prefer without the cheese, it is true that the recipe provides the tarantina. We use cook even less than ten minutes, just refers to the color of the bread pull out, irroriamo the lemon juice and riinforniamo making color only on the surface. Congratulations for the photos.

  • Thanks Mimmo. As the Italian, mi sento a casa mia ovunque 🙂 La difesa del proprio territorio, the appartanenza, respect is to be spread!
    That said, share for garlic, I love it! This also applies to onions, I have a bag full… cipolle di acquaviva 😉

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