Tested in a painting by Cesare Ronchi, besides miller artist.
First, mill or mill? From Late Latin molinum, with mill refers to the machine that, per l’appunto, grinding the cereal allows to obtain flour. The mills instead, refer to buildings can be found in these facilities. Are divided according to the action and the grain size of the grains that treat. In the old days their presence in the territories influenced greatly in the economies. Do you think that in the thirteenth century in the Briosco, in the province of Monza and Brianza, there were eight active.
That said, as they say, who goes to the mill s'infarina! So it was for me too ...
A few weeks ago, entering the shop from my baker, I was attracted by the sight of a bread amber prepared with flour Sorghum, an ancient grain gluten-rich nutritional properties. Come to abitudine, when something strikes my attention, I can not stop myself from asking questions. The reason is very simple, I like to eat satisfying the palate and sating the mind.
Well, asking the origin of the flour, I got information about the mill from which it came. Given the short distance, after appropriate contacts, in a sunny afternoon I started to make a visit. The rolling hills and green landscapes Brianza I always surprise. Atmospheres that not far from the center of Milan allow us to recover the natural rhythms that the frenzy of city life often takes away.
Reached its destination, after a short walk around as is my habit to do to acclimate, I live by Cesare Ronchi, third generation of millers in Capriano Briosco. At my entrance I was greeted by a man who lived his face got me involved in his stories. Stories of land and work ... of men and women who have made Italy seriously. Sometimes in his words sadness and anger, we feel the same in so many for what in recent years has been done in this country. Too many lands mugged and too many craftsmen brought to their knees.
Cesare Ronchi was born in 1942, at the height of the war. Its, a family of millers that gave an early age, the rudiments of an ancient craft: the miller. It was his father John to start the business thanks to a sum of money received as compensation for an injury to a hand. With the help of his sons and his wife, thus restored the old mill, dating back to the 1400. An activity that has found continuity until today thanks to his son Cesare.
As I listened I looked around. Wherever seeds, cereals, legumes ... agriculture products once they become ground flour. But how many there are?! The reality is that most, when they choose to buy it for sweets that wheat indicated 00, the finest and one with less nutritional value, and to make pasta and bread privilege that of durum wheat, semolina.
After the wheat (wheat) one can not but mention the cornmeal (maize) used for polenta, or that of barley, Spelt, rye, soy, bean, chestnut… There are many, even without gluten for celiac. In this regard mention for example buckwheat flour, the quinoa flour, the sorghum flour, chickpea flour, flour and amaranth flour Cannabis sativa. Flour for all with excellent nutritional properties.
Visit a mill brings the mind to ancient times. My hope is that these places, testimony of our history, non vadano persi per il ruolo che rappresentano per il nostro territorio.
“When in Rome, mill that are!” Cercateli and visitateli, because their meals are good for our health and the economy of our country.
The Molino di Cesare Ronchi
Via E. Fermi, 30 Capriano Briosco (MB)