Blog: FoodWineBeer
It has long been debate about the communication gap made between bloggers and journalists. An argument that is now chopped and ritritato two figures whose writings have a very different emotional. I insist that, whatever, both can help each communicating to them how the land and its productions. The key thing for me is consistency, which must be maintained to avoid the waves of convenience of the moment.
The passion that drove many bloggers in this direction, compresa me, has highlighted how digital communication can be of help in these difficult times that we are living. This does not tarnish in any way the figure of the journalist, that, professionally performs the same task to. It is not a race, never will be, being the very different form of communication.
I made this premise to introduce a blogger, or better, a Passion blogger I know and follow for a long time: Samuel Vergari, in arte ‘FoodWineBeer’.
Although the approach of Samuel is not my, in the sense that unlike him I love writing after living person of the territory and its actors, I respect his choice dictated by family needs at this time.
The world of bloggers is not always easy, I knew long ago, when, following the public relations and the content of a site about food and wine of which I was a partner, I wanted to know with a phone book that I had decided to call it 'Passion Blogger', the 'true fans', those with commitment and consistency transmit their passion through blogging (online diaries).
Even after leaving that role, for not sharing the positions, my project is not lost. In my own way, continuous giving visibility to those who believe can 'do well’ to disseminate knowledge of quality production.
Vergari Samuel was born into a family devoted to agriculture. The passion for wine producers of Sangiovese inherited from grandparents, has allowed him to appreciate over time to become a reference point for friends, for advice on the choice of wines. The turning point in the 2010, when, driven by the growing passion decide to start a blog. Much work to give shape, many steps and changes of direction, until the birth of 'FoodWineBeer'.
A blog that aims more products, that producers. The reason soon revealed: Samuel is a real pantofolone, or better, a father of two small children that led him to make himself indispensable in the family. It 'so he writes his articles, often in pajamas on the couch, between the interruptions of his children and their micro dramas. Despite family commitments, the pleasure of writing about what tasted at home and in restaurants surrounding areas, prompted him to continue. Then, as soon as possible, on rest days, trips to Italy allowed him to expand his knowledge.
“Cynthia, the rewards are many, in particular that of being able to know, although in many cases only in a virtual, a lot of nice people from the world of wine and beer. Some, even in this world there are negative characters, people who promise and then not maintain, profiteers and boastful of all kinds… I'm just a simple fan that behind has little theory and much practice. A man and a father who tells his experiences in pajamas on the couch at home ... Samuel Vergari”
I conclude with my thoughts. Noi blogger, much criticized but at the same time sought, I am convinced that we do something good. In our own way we try to convey that passion that has helped many of us to overcome the difficult moments of our lives.
Now I ask you: “Are they better than those that use this passion…?”
Carry commented Roberto Giuliani, editorial director of Lavinium, to my note on Facebook:
Cinzia excuse but I still think that many have misunderstood the question. From my position of non-blogger since Lavinium is a website and I am not registered journalists, I tell you that the problem was never compare bloggers and journalists, but that “journalist” is a professional and recognized “blogger” is anyone using the blog as a tool online, that is to use it as a diary or as a communication tool. The blogger, then, is not a figure defined, not a profession, so much so that many journalists use the blog to make communication. This ignores the QUALITY’ BY OBJECTIVE OF CONTENTS AND WE COVERS USING THE BLOG. Then the error is to have pointed the finger (by some) on the fact that “blogger” does not indicate a professional, which is very different from doing a competition to see who is better, honest and serious. It is not the qualification but the person to make a difference, on a purely qualitative. Everything else is chatter that does not lead to any clarification. You are not a “blogger” but a communicator, and you will be if you continue to use the blog, is if you become a journalist, is if you change your way of communicating. The fact that the so-called “information” is sponsored by ONLY journalists, it is obvious that it is a concept that needs to be reviewed, times have changed, Today anyone can make information, the only difference is that the reporter (no publicist, which for example can not be editor of a newspaper), is a figure professionally recognized, must do studies and examinations etc., must answer for their actions to the Director, which can fire him, and association of journalists, you can remove it from the register preventing him from practicing. The journalist, then, is a craft, paid, good or bad does not matter, but it is a definite profession. So it is not the quality the object of contention, but the fact that behind the voice “blogger” there is everything and its opposite. As long as this figure will not be recognized professionally (following a process that can not be just what dell'inventarsi communicator at will), say “I'm a blogger” does not clarify anything, because the blog is a neutral container, a tool that anyone can use, for very different purposes. Then, making the pump, I write for over fifteen years, but do not use the blog to do so and are not journalist, what are they? You understand that may not be the blog to determine if we are communicators-informers etc.?
Roberto, excuse the delay, but I wanted to read and analyze calmly Comment. I find these very useful against healthy to explore these questions that I care. Having said that within about bringing back some of your statements.
– Roberto: "The problem was never compare bloggers and journalists, but that “journalist” is a professional and recognized “blogger” is anyone using the blog as an online tool "
I, between blogger and journalist, I did not use the word 'confrontation', but 'gap'; This to underline that between the two figures, let me call them, there is a substantial difference.
– Roberto: "The blogger, then, is not a figure defined, not a profession, so much so that many journalists use the blog to make communication. This ignores the QUALITY’ BY OBJECTIVE OF CONTENTS AND WE COVERS USING THE BLOG "
For some bloggers a profession it has become seriously. Are sent specifically to write and photograph the products more emotional than do journalists. But I'm sure that you know it ...
"It is not the title but the person to make a difference, on a purely qualitative ".
On this your statement that you can not see me in full agreement. I start from the knowledge of the people; is a fundamental step for me, to understand and to learn.
– Roberto: "You're not a 'blogger' but a communicator, and you will be if you continue to use the blog, is if you become a journalist "
I communicate my way, some. I do it through my blog, my diary on the net. A container of my experiences that I share through social. Having a blog, automatically have a #blogger. I do not like this term, I've written many times ... is a term a bit 'cold, but it is a fact.
– Roberto: "The fact that the so-called “information” is sponsored by ONLY journalists, it is obvious that it is a concept that needs to be reviewed, times have changed, Today anyone can make information "
Statement that I agree in toto. The fact that anyone can have his say, does not ignore the fact that will be heard only if it makes sense what you say. At the very least it should be so ... #discorsolungo
– Roberto: "Behind the heading 'blogger’ there is everything and its opposite. As long as this figure will not be recognized professionally (following a process that can not be just what dell'inventarsi communicator at will), say “I'm a blogger” does not clarify anything, because the blog is a neutral container, a tool that anyone can use "
Affirmation to deepen ... Regulating blogger means running the risk of removing them of the essential characteristics that transmit: #spontaneity and #emozioni. That a blog can be used by anyone who is true, but the fact that it is followed or not, depends on its content.
– Roberto: "May not be the blog to determine if we are communicators-informers"
To establish and think it depends on how much content 'pass' to the reader who follows the #blog .
Roberto Giuliani:
Cinzia the pros and cons are there in all things, regulation which I understand is to separate the function of the blog from the profession. Or, if you are a professional or aspiring to become, As with all professions, there is a procedure done studies and exams, from there can arise a new professional, maybe it will be called “blogger”, this will be seen, but the fact that there are people who are paid to write and speak no good for nothing, does not work well, or rather it should not work well. It’ that right there is the line between doing Markette and exercise a profession. The journalist is not paid by the recipient of the article, otherwise it has no meaning or credibility what he writes. Who pays is always part three, not directly involved. This happens in all jobs, but especially in that of information. I realize that is not easy to establish rules, is not mine to do, but I hope that this happens, not to stifle the spontaneity of which you speak, thing that can never be gagged, as assets of the person before the trade that takes place. Moreover it is difficult to disagree, because when everyone feels directly involved, comes naturally get defensive, because it fears that may be subtracted freedom of expression or the autonomy. This can happen, but not because it plays a profession, but because someone puts you in front of out out, or do as I say or you do not pay, but here we enter into a sphere that opens other scenarios, outside the context. Figure alla thinking “journalist”, this remains even if the work tool changes, or even if the print switch to internet. While the figure of the “blogger” is more complicated to maintain if we were to change the instrument of information. And then, as I told you, there's people like me who use the Internet to inform but not the blog, then that figure would? If we all make information, but using different tools, even more is necessary that the professional figure is a, clear, and unequivocal, and can not be “blogger”.
All very valid arguments to deepen… The important thing in the meantime is mainly to pass valuable information that will help, or attempting to help the Italian territory, his productions, and its protagonists.