
Tasting blind ... a matter of the senses from the many surprises!

Written by CinziaTosini

Bergamo, 4′ edition wine en primeur

In the courses that more or less all of us wine lovers attended in time, It was taught that wine tasting is done through a visual analysis, smell and taste. Nothing is more true, which, however, I would add that the experience gained over the years through tastings, trains and shape, allowing to evaluate a wine with a greater awareness. Exactly what I say to those who approach the wine, and not considering himself an expert, turning aside from give judgment. The important thing is to feel the smells and taste… to taste… little taste ..., good and often. First for personal enjoyment, and secondly to enrich their sensory memory.

The fact remains that the tasting of a wine is a very personal issue related to their senses. He has proof that whenever, After a blind tasting, no conditioning label or producer or vintage, the results are a real source of surprises! Verdicts without conditions certainly more honest. That's exactly how as part of the fourth edition of "wine en primeur", there was a blind tasting of local reserves in the match against the great Bordeaux.

A comparison between the wines obtained from harvest 2018 coming from the far western edge of the province of Bergamo to the proximity with the lake Iseo, con noti Bordeaux, for a total of fifteen productions. An event in which I participated with pleasure that allowed tasters and connoisseurs to be able to talk with the producers of wines for tasting. All this took place in the halls of Casa Virginia Tenuta Villa d'Alme, a cellar and agriristorante in the heart of the hills of Bergamo Park.

Well, the final scores of the blind tasting, after two renowned Bordeaux won the third place a wine Bergamo, and to follow a little further away points, other wines produced Adda Oglio. A result that rewards the efforts of communication and qualitative growth in recent years have marked this land.

What remains to be said? Simply that taste 'in the dark’ is more than recommended, but especially, is great teaching!





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