Stories of Agriculture Wine

The engineer Monza in the vineyards of the armed lands

Written by CinziaTosini

"The land armies say ...? Ah bè, We are affixed, if they arm the lands now!"Give me a moment, I explain that!  This is perhaps the only case in which the armature, is by far a fortune!

I recently had the pleasure of knowing Gianni Cogo, winemaker Monza, or better, engineer brianzolo that produces passion for wine Bonassola at the entrance of the Gulf of Tigullio and the park of the Cinque Terre.

Bonassola, ancient fishing village of narrow streets and Mediterranean climate in which you can walk around looking at the sea between bouganvillee, brooms, olive trees and pine, herbs and citrus.

Gianni Venetian origins like me; fate led him to fall in love with a piece of land in the hills of eastern Liguria; terraces overlooking the sea ripped through the works of bioengineering, are its salient feature.

L 'Azienda Agricola Valdiscalve born in 2003, manages 4000 square meters of land acquired through a reconstruction and mechanization of terraces; is conducted by Gianni and his wife Maria, architect by profession, winemaker for passion. From native grapes Vermentino, Albarola and Bosco, Farms in Reggimonti and Willow, between the iodine breeze comes his VermentIng Colline di Levanto Bianco DOC.

With Gianni I spent an entire afternoon talking, I like it, to know and understand.  Le difficoltà che accomunano i racconti di chi investe la propria energia e la voglia di fare nell’agricoltura sono ormai una triste consuetudine a me ben nota. La cosa interessante, that fascinates me and I like to discover, distinctive is that element that each of us by exploiting its experience in their work transfers.

I am increasingly convinced that the earth can save us if we can save her…  Gianni Cogo sta andando proprio in questa direzione, combining the experience of his work with a passion for viticulture. In accordance with the characteristics of the territory has applied "the technique of reinforced earth"To restore the ancient terraces.

  • I leave the task of Gianni explain what it is:

The lands armed are constituted by a steel support internally coated by a network yuta and anchored to the ground. After being filled with earth, the lands are vegetated armed with traditional herbs. Allow to stabilize soils with steep slopes, persist over time, are harmoniously integrated into the landscape and allow you to make the most of the area of ​​arable land.

The restoration of the terraces with modern techniques has also allowed the regiment storm water drains so as to reduce the risk of landslides. The terraces are mechanized, ovverosono been combined with a system of "paths" followed with small agricultural vehicles (tractors). On each terrace is present a system establishing irrigation centralized "drop" that allows to reduce to the maximum waste water watering directly each screw at the base according to the needs of the season. Thanks to this system, the percentage of cuttings which do not take root is estremamenteridotta.

I take the word I to say that…

Tengo molto ad approfondire questo tema visto il hydrogeological risk of our country. The topic has been addressed recently in Rome in a national conference involving associations related to the environment and industry experts. The data that emerged more than a little alarming. I would be 6.633 common hydrogeological risk. Brakes, floods, landslides, environmental devastation, consequent to the speculation, the lack of attention to the forests, abandonment of land for agricultural policies careless, that do not help the work of the farmers and affect the development of agriculture.

Liguria is a region of the unfortunate protagonists of these mishaps.  Lo scorso autunno colpita nel cuore delle Cinque Terre con la caduta della Via dell’amore, a suspended course famous in the world; without forgetting the disaster caused by the flood that has previously also involved Tuscany with piles of debris and mud that engulfed entire areas.

We are experiencing a serious economic and environmental disaster resulting in incapable of unforgivable mistakes that have speculated on the Italian territory and. The complaints continued to shout several voices should not be cause for speculation. Whom It May Concern, must urgently put on the tables of the work the agriculture theme, easy to put in condition who can still make that Italy will be lifted by the mud that has invested.

The relationship between man and nature has dissociated as the relationship between man and man, the loss of connection and relationship with nature has increased the existential distress ... But the shelter is still the rediscovery of the world, nature, and the awareness of what is around us ...

Prof.. Paul Michael Heir (physician and philosopher)



What does the Author


I think we can save the Earth, if we can save her.


  • Comments to the shown notes on Facebook

    Giorgio Ferrari
    Ci vorranno decenni per riparare i danni terrificanti che sono stati fatti

    Cynthia Tosini
    Lo so, Giorgio ma siamo in emergenza ormaisi deve affrontare sul serio, E MI RIPETO SUL SERIO, questa situazione drammatica. TROPPI SONO A RISCHIO SENZA SAPERLO. Bisogna finirla con questa mentalità di tamponare i danni, non sopporto questa cosa, mi innervososce solo a scriverla. Ovunque si para i danni dopo che sono successi, BASTA!!!

    Giorgio Ferrari
    La scisa è sempre la stessa: non ci sono i soldi

    Cynthia Tosini
    George, so bene, but “armare la terreove possibile non ha un costo esorbitante. Sapendo poi cosa può evitare è un costo irrisorio paragonato a quello dei danni.

    Cynthia Tosini
    La legge in vigore dal 16 febbraio 2013 che obbliga i Comuni sopra i 15mila abitanti a piantare un albero per ogni bambino registrato all’anagrafe o adottato non è sufficente viste il numero delle nascite e la difficoltà per le adozioni

    Giorgio Ferrari
    La verità è che se non si investe aumentano i danni, quindi aumentano le spese per le emergenze, che sono molto più salate (in tutti i sensi)

    Cynthia Tosini

  • Vi ricordate laFesta degli alberi”?? Tutti gli anni nelle scuole elementari di tutti i paesi si piantava un albero!!! Si potrebbe ricominciare e anzichè piantarne uno, pensare di piantarne 10.
    Poi sarebbe veramente ora di finirla con sprechi di soldi pubblici e pensare a un risanamento serio del territorio montano e collinare.

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